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On the way back home I tried to keep my anger at bay and not act irrationally considering Alvara was sprung out over my lap and I didn't want to wake her. Looking over at my wife who refused to look at me dreading the conversation we were going to have as soon we make it back on Moretti ground.

 Pulling out my phone I check my messages clicking on the one from lorenzo almost an hour ago. 

"Roman and I are taking Vee and the Ren chick home. Both are sloppy drunk." the text wrote 

Scoffing at the message I can't help but shake my head at the fact my sister and wife chose to get drunk tonight with the daughter of Japanese don Haruki Ren. The more my mind continued to replay the phone call from one of my men informing me that my daughter was with the Ren's it pissed me off that both my wife and sister were irresponsible. 

"Boss we're here" 

Giving him a nod I move to grab Alvara when I'm interrupted by an russian accent. 

"Want me to grab her?" she said softly

Ignoring her I pick up ally placing her head carefully on my shoulder and make way towards the house ready for this night to be over with. Once I open the door I'm greeted by my father and Aleksei who moves to grab sleeping alvara from me but stops when I send a glare his way. 

"Dad" I nod. 

"Son" He opens his mouth to say something else but he quickly closes it when he see's Roux bringing her into an hug. 

"Ahh mia preziosa fligia." Dante coos engulfing her in a hug. 

" Hey pa." she smiled before looking over at Aleksei who soon does the same before placing a kiss on her temple.

"May I ask why you both are in my home uninvited?" I spoke with annoyance causing the blonde next to me to roll her eyes.

"I heard about the shooting at the club tonight , so I came here to make sure you guys were okay and in plus I wanted to see Rue and ally since it's been years." my father voiced

"Which I must say after all these years you are still beautiful rue." the old man boasted in admiration bringing a soft smile to the russian beside me. 

Sighing I turn to my wife carefully handing her Alvara placing a kiss on the toddler's head my eyes meet the blue ones in front of me. 

"Take her upstairs I'll be there in a bit." I told her. 

Before she could fully walk away I grab her arm turning her attention to me. 

"This conversation is not over." I scolded earning a nod from my wife before she heads towards our bedroom.

 Watching her make her way up the stairs before bidding her uncle and my father a goodnight. 

The anger from earlier not leaving my body as I'm still upset with my wife I place my attention on the men in front of me glaring at them. 

"My Office." 



It's been almost two days since I've moved back into my old home and I've already managed to pull a gun on someone and gotten on the bad side of my husband all because I wanted to party and now I couldn't help but feel like a bad mother. I hated it. I hated feeling like I'm a bad when I tried everything to be the best mother I could be since I missed out on growing up with my own mother. God I missed her. 

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