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Alex's POV

My father was dying right next to me in the hospital bed. It seemed like he knew it too. As he was taking his last few breaths he motioned for me to come closer. When I went closer he whispered in my ear

"When I'm gone, please do what makes you happy. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't let me hold you back." He said with tears in his eyes.

As he was taking his last breath I was the last thing that he saw. I broke down crying right then and there once he was gone. Memories of my father flooded my mind like a storm in that same moment. My Umberon came out of her poke ball once she heard me crying and started to comfort me. After about half an hour I stopped crying and went out of his room. But before I did, I looked at him one last time. He looked at peace. Maybe he knew the future that would soon come for me. Once I left the room I told a nurse what had happened to my father not even an hour ago. Excluding the crying she left to go to his room. Me and Umberon left the hospital as I felt the tears starting to come down once again. Little did I know that his death would be the start of an adventure of a lifetime. 

His Gym Leader Leon x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang