Chapter two: A Friend Lays Down His Life| PT 5 (deadly life)

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Audrey: eh?!

Lapis: You gotta calm down!

Doug: sorry to interrupt but I just noticed an error in this trial

Audrey: an error?

Audrey: (pov) what error is Doug talking about? Think Audrey think! ... *gasp* Of course! The broken glass window at the Science Lab!!

Audrey: The Science Lab glass window that is broken!

Doug: yes! If Molly saw the culprit in Midnight. And the science lab only opens at 10am and ends at 10pm, how was Molly able to notice the culprit?

Molly: oh yeahhhh, well I don't remember

Audrey: (pov) poor Molly, she doesn't remember a single thing, but I'm gonna make her remember. I know she doesn't notice the culprit not by noticing them, there's one more thing sound that attracts her attention

Non Stop Debate

Truth Bullets:
-Picked Wisteria Flowers
-Half Empty knock-out drug
-Wisteria Flowers in Tails' tea
-Molly tied up
-Shinobu's account
-Broken Glass Window in the Science Lab
-A letter in Tails' tent

Scout: how the f(nope) should we know kid?!

Host: if Molly saw the culprit, how was she able to noticed it in such a quick way?

Bing: maybe she heard a sound of a stick breaking that the culprit stepped on?

Answer: Broken Glass Window in the Science Lab

Audrey: NO that's wrong!


Audrey: Molly I think I just knew how you noticed the culprit right away, Alice! Remember the broken glass window in the Science Lab?

Alice: yes! The culprit must've made a sound of a glass breaking that made Molly notice the culprit

Audrey: when the culprit knew Molly was following them, he grabbed the knock-out drug. Poured it in the towel then...

Noelle: allow me to speak please!

Audrey: Yes Noelle?

Noelle: now that you mentioned that Molly noticed the culprit through the glass breaking. Let me ask you this, how did the culprit found out?

Audrey: (pov) shes right! Hold on... I think there was something off in the scene of the Lab. It's not just the window, but!

Answer: The moonlight

Audrey: I got it!

Audrey: the culprit noticed Molly because of her shadow coming from the moon light

Sonia: well it makes sense because the moon light can easily strike it through my tent

Host: so the culprit found Molly because of the moonlight, and Molly found the culprit because of the sound of the broken glass

Audrey: now I have the suspicious between three people. Which are Baldi, Popee and Shinobu

Baldi: oh?

Popee: HUH?!

Shinobu: why suspect us?

Alice: you three knew the flower that poisoned Tails!

Popee: oh come on! Just because I knew those flowers mean I killed Tails?

Audrey: N-No Popee it's not like that, our intention is NOT to point fingers early. We just want to ask you a couple of questions about the flower

Shinobu: well we do admit that we know the wisteria flowers, but I have no intention on killing Tails

Baldi: Wisteria is sometimes used for making paper but if it's eaten you are gonna go bye-bye
They contain the harmful chemicals lectin and wisterin

Bing: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Bo: anyways, so whats next?

Audrey: right, so I'm gonna ask Shinobu about the flowers. I assume they are called Wisteria Flowers?

Shinobu: correct, but I never use them to poison people. I only use them for combat, to eliminate demons, but it takes more than wisteria to kill a person, I include a chemical that kills demons within a minute. But for humans? I don't know

Popee: my dad is scientist, yet he's VERY ignorant of me. But I do read some of his research

Audrey: what kind of research?

Popee: many types, human anatomy to laws of physics. But the main type that he is working on is botany, he's "researching" on the types of flowers he found on a random book, despite being stuck on a desert but if I remember correctly.... The one he is studying on right now are wisteria flowers, if you eat one of them you will be able suffer vomiting, nausea, then death

Bo: EEK-!

Kissy: that explains the coughing that Tails suffered

Shinobu: sorry to barge in, but as I said before it takes more than one or three wisteria to kill a person, it should also include at least one chemical

Audrey: one chemical? Sh(nope) we didn't notice any chemicals in the science lab

Alice: me neither!

Shoto: allow me to speak!

Audrey: Shoto?

Scout: oh look Icy Hot is speaking

Shoto: there is one chemical I saw in Tails' room. It is called Lead

Baldi: W-What?! Lead?! Isn't that bad for your body?

Shoto: it is, at First I thought it would be a random soda drink in Tails' tent but I was wrong, it was Lead. A dangerous chemical to both humans and animals

Host: I was investigating with Shoto at that time! And that was Lead all the time? But why does he have it?

Not stop debate

Truth Bullets:
-Picked Wisteria Flowers
-Half Empty knock-out drug
-Wisteria Flowers in Tails' tea
-Molly tied up
-Shinobu's account
-Broken Glass Window in the Science Lab
-A letter in Tails' tent

Noelle: if I were Tails... what would I use it for?

Alice: it's a dangerous chemical anyways, so he must've been careful with it

Kissy: oh oh! Maybe he used for uhhhm something for self-defense!

Kedamono: he must've used for an experiment!

Answer: A letter in Tails' tent

Audrey: NO that's wrong!


Audrey: nope! Tails used it as a murder weapon... for himself

Isaac: huh? What makes you say that?

Audrey: I don't know but it makes sense, Host! The letter you saw in Tails' tent, what did it say?

Host: oh right! It reads...

{ Flashback }

"Greetings Tails

Monokuma gave me a secret motive, he wants me to kill *for a friend*  I don't want to talk to her about it for she will not believe me. I would gladly send you this letter to you in private, because I just needed someone to listen to me

Sincerely yours"

{ Flashback End }

Host: and that's what the letter says

Audrey: Tails knew he was gonna die soon. So that's why, he cooperated with the killer

Giyuu: was he working with or for?

Everyone: ehhhhh

Next Part 🤦🏻‍♀️

Danganronpa V78 : Raging Despair (under hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora