Chapter Four: Are We Too Young For This? | PT 9 (Deadly Life)

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Shoto: damnit! This is confusing

Baldi: I can't lie... the culprit is really getting to our tracks right now!

Shinobu: ara-ara, how could you say that he saw the mastermind Noelle-Chan?

Noelle: I don't know but it was the last thing he had seen but what if he wasn't lying

Ethan: there has to got to be some evidence to connect the puzzle!

Truth Bullets:
Footsteps in Fire
Noelles Account
Texture Of Footprints
Bings dead position

Bo: ...

Shinobu: I can't help but think if the culprit is really sly on doing this kind of murder

Scout: well was he in a disguise or somethin?

Noelle: I'm not sure but he did say he saw them!

Ethan: there's gotta be a way to jog the memory

Baldi: was a participant the mastermind themselves?

Levi: confirm this now Noelle

Host: hey don't rush her! She's been through a lot lately like us! And Bo too!

Audrey: (pov) one of the statements might be it... I must listen carefully

Bo: ...

Shinobu: I can't help but think if the culprit is really sly on doing this kind of murder

Scout: well was he in a disguise or somethin?

Answer : Noelles Account

Audrey: I agree!


Audrey: yes! That culprit was in disguise! I remember what Noelle said during the investigation! Noelle didn't you say that the culprit was wearing something.... dark?


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Noelle: yes! The culprit was wearing a dark purple cloak with an oni-mask, the oni mask is more feminine... and it has red horns it looked very spooky like a ghost!

Kedamono: WOOF! WOOF! Doesn't that mask represent jealousy and resentment?

Baldi: why would a culprit use such mask like that? Was the culprit jealous of someone?

Audrey: we don't know that, but let's pin it to our thoughts for now.

Ethan: hey Audrey, sorry to budge in, during the investigation I saw this

Ethan: hey Audrey, sorry to budge in, during the investigation I saw this

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Ethan: there are random dots and lines, I assume this is morse code. It has been ripped apart, tried finding the other half but couldn't find it

Audrey: w-where did you find that?

Ethan: in the ground. Do you know this?

Alice: it's from Bing

Ethan: how do you know

Audrey: you don't want to know...

Scout: just tell us!

Audrey: it's private! I can't tell you!

Alice: it's okay Audrey, it's for the sake of bringing justice for him

Audrey took a deep breath, then confessed

Audrey: I have the other half, and it's a warning letter from the traitor of the killing game... I know I know but please you need to understand why I had to hide it from all of you! But i gave that morse code to him... i ripped it half so he would focus on the secret code he was able to translate it. It translated into a call for help from the traitor and they wanted to end the game quickly

Host: if Audrey can confess then I can too... during the setting up of Noelle's, Alice's, Bo's and Ms Chalice's performance. While I was in the room full of spot lights and microphones, I had visions that i want able to interpret very well, there were four people, one being executed, the mastermind, and two girls looking at me. And when I was blind I saw Kissy... she was telling me the real reason why she killed Molly, Popee and Doug.

Scout: so this is what you had to hide me from huh Host? Heh, guess I am a dumba(nope)s

Host: it's not like that Scout! I just wanted to protect you and I didn't want you to worry!

Audrey: you two can talk about it later.

Scout: fine

Sonia: so the culprit had made a secret trap to burn someone alive and escape easily. If I were the culprit where would i escape easily?

Isaac: Audrey, was there a clue where the culprit has escaped?

Ethan: and where did the culprit go after watching the victim die?

Nonstop Debate

Truth Bullets:
Footsteps in Fire
Texture Of Footprints
Bings dead position

MC: unlike the other culprits, this is a tricky one

Host: it was set up for the motive victims like me, Noelle, and MC

Noelle: if it weren't for him this case would've been easier! I should've been the one who died not him!

Sonia: don't say that Noelle!

Shinobu: ara-ara i wish I knew where the culprit went

Baldi: There's no way we could know where they went!

Answer: Footsteps in Fire

Audrey: no that's wrong!


Audrey: no there was a clue, it was the footsteps that Host and Scout saw during the investigation

Host: yep! That's the one!

Audrey: can you tell us where it ended?

Host: so, first, the footsteps led to the garden, then to the tall grass and it somehow ended in a large tree!

Scout: it was weird that the steps just ended there

Audrey: we're not getting close... there is no connection between the clues and the culprit that we found! The culprit really has their trick up on their sleeves

Baldi : culprit must've been smart to build a trap like that and fond with fire at the same time

Audrey: (pov) think... think... Audrey think! Wait! I think there's something up with what Chalice said during the investigation... it's... the footsteps! The texture!

Audrey: guys! I think we should focus on the footsteps next, Chalice you did say they have texture to it?

Chalice: sure did darlin!

Alice: hey! I can only call her that!

Chalice: yikes! Sorry, anyway the felt so light... them size is big as a bear, and it was shaped as a lion paw

Kedamono: LION?!

Chalice: don't worry Kedamono, I'm not suspicious of you.

Kedamono: oh! Hehe, sorry that scared me a little bit

Audrey: lion like paw? So you're saying it wasn't human?

Noelle: well when I saw the culprit it was somehow... human

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