The Pineapple

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The first time I remembered that I was really worried about my mother was when I was around 9 years old when she got dizzy after eating a piece of fresh sliced pineapple when she has not eaten her lunch yet. Good thing she was just near the hospital and she got immediate medical attention.

It was 9 years ago when Mama started to have unusual abdominal pain that is even worse than dysmenorrhea. She went to her OBGYN friend and she had surgery to removed a twisted ovary that is causing the pain. The result of the biopsy on the removed ovary is benign.

A year after that she again experienced severe abdominal pain once again and this time seeked medical attention in the hospital for endometriosis, a condition in which the wall of the uterus is hardened. She had surgery once again to remove the uterus and the rest that was not removed from the previous surgery. The result of the biopsy is still benign.

In 2009, Mama's petition from her sister, Aunt Carmen, has arrived and she and my father went to the US and they are working to have me and my sister to follow them there.

It was in May of 2015 when we found out that her strange abdominal pain came back with a vengeance. Mama was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer that was starting to adhere to her lower colon. All along we thought that ovary was already removed from the TAHBSO but it was not. She immediately had a surgery and then chemotherapy.

It was a big concern for us that the month after, me and my sister immediately applied for US tourist visa however we were denied at the first attempt. The next month, my sister tried for a second attempt but still got denied. Getting desperate, she applied for the third and even though she got denied, the consul advised her that the main reason for the denial is due to our active immigration petition. She was advised to apply for humanitarian visa related to the medical situation of our mother. By then, we already hired an immigration lawyer to assist us and by December 2015, we were already asked to appear before the consul at the US Embassy since our visa was approved.

It was christmas morning when we left the Philippines and it was still christmas in the US when our parents picked us up in the airport in Killeen.

Our mother, still in recovery from her chemotherapy and wearing a red santa hat and leopard print bathrobe hugged us and said "Buto't balat na si mama!"

"Laban lang mama!" I assured as we hug her back trying to hold back our tears with emotion but mostly happiness that we can be there for her as she fight with all her might.

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