The Phone

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My mother is what we can call technogically challenged kind of people.

On the other hand, my sister is tech savvy to the point of savage that she cannot stand tutoring our mother on how to use gadgets because she has no patience for the torturing so I am the one helping our mother.

When our parents went to the US a decade ago, they have to yearn to learn fast with the available technology within their reach. My mother opted not to apply for any promotion at her work even though she is qualified because it entails doing office work using a computer.

I remember back in high school and mother just asked me how to send an email in our desktop computer and then she ask if she needs to click the recycle bin to do that. It was hard not to laugh because my daily allowance is in peril if I do.

Recently, both my parents got iPhones. Good thing, mother has a friend in their neighborhood who is knowledgeable with iPhones.

We call her Tita Venus and she is already in her 70s however she has been using iPhone for 7 years so she knows the basics however there are some times that she is not around so sometimes I will still help mother use her iPhone.

She is getting better at it so we do video call atleast once a week until the time that she noticed that her apps is outdated. I told her to go to app store to do the update and then she asked me where to go so she can drive their for an update.

I seem to missed to tell her that the app store is in her iPhone and we have not even talked about IOS.

However having Siri is such a saving grace though she not yet ready for Alexa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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