The Podiatrist

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Mama is slowly in recovery from her chemotherapy which caused the neuropathy in her hands and feet.

Even though she is not a diabetic, we are still careful not to have any wound in her feet so when the ingrown in her big toe had become unbearably excruciating, she opted for a consultation with a foot doctor or podiatrist.

Even though it is hard to request an inmediate schedule for consultation like any other specialist however the primary attending physician of my mother worked his magic and got her an earlier schedule and she was able to get treatment.

Unlike in the PI, where the friendly neighbor manicure and pedicure lady can get that ingrate ingrown, in the US, a nail technician cannot and won't do that... No... No... No... No, they won't do that!

Mama, not familiar with the medical term for foot doctor, asked me how to say it which is said as "poh-dye-eh-trist". At first, she thought I was kidding and asked me to say it again which I just repeated how I said it then I realize that "poh-dye" in our local dialect means vagina and we both laugh at each other.

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