The Pickled Papaya

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I was in college when my mother tried making atchara just like that.

She goes to the market early morning to buy green papaya and she would grate them and then she pickled them in glass jars.

At first, it was just for our own consumption just to complement with anything fried or grilled and then she started share it to her friends and it was an instant hit as she was getting a lot of compliment for the sweet and sour condiment.

I volunteered to help by printing and placing the label on the glass jar and I thought of the name "Atchara Ni Alicia".

I believe it only made a good run for about 2 months as my mother eventually got tired of grating green papaya and she stopped making atchara though I thought that it was one of the best ideas she had come up with and I am proud to be a part of it.

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