1.1 Mumma's parchai

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A/N : Okay so I wanna change up a few things, in this short story, Chori (the young girl who Kaira wanted to adopt) was their eldest biological daughter, and they got to know about this shortly before Naira's death. Chori uff Kaira chose to stay with the Singhania's and they brought her up.

And its basically what if it was Kaira who Akshara met instead of Abhinav.


Kaira took a deep breath gazing at the setting sun, Rishikesh never failed to soothe the ache in her heart whenever she recalled her mumma.
This was the place where she felt closest to her, this was where her mother grew up, where her parents fell in love and every year, no matter how busy she was, Kaira made sure to spent a week in Rishikesh.
She would spend the days playing with the children in the Ashram her mom grew up in, making sure to arrange a pooja in her parents name hoping that wherever they were, they were together and hopefully happy seeing their children lives.

Her siblings, God it had been so long since she last saw them. She knew it was her fault that they were estranged, knew that her parents would have wanted them to hold on to each other, cherish each other but her grief was just so consuming, it had no place for anyone in her life.
It hadn't even left enough place for her father, and her papa had tried, tried so hard to be there for her, to make up for her mother's loss but Kaira could never get past her anger at the universe.
It had seemed like a cosmic joke, the one person she had craved to meet her whole life, her mumma was snatched away from her within days of knowing the truth.
Her mumma, who she had felt an instant connection to.
Her mumma, who had loved her and decided to adopt her even without even knowing the truth.
It was the cruelest thing, dangling all that love in front of her and then snatching it away. And in her anger, she had pushed everyone away including the parent who was still alive, and then she lost him too.

It had been easier to leave with her grandfather, her Nanu who couldn't cope staying in the place where he had lost his wife and daughter.

She was never angry at her father for moving on, she knows of all people he had deserved to be happy, and initially things were good, Sirat Aunty was the healing balm to her family's grief, she was a wonderful mother to Kairav and Akshara and understood better than anyone why Kaira could never bring herself to give her that position.

But as the years went by, her mumma ceased to exist in the walls of that house, and she felt stuck, she could feel the overwhelming grief engulf her again.
It seemed everyone was moving on, except her.
Then her papa and Sirat aunty passed away, and all Kaira had left with her were regrets.
She should have been there for her siblings, held them through their grief, so many things she should have done....

Her papa's death was the final nail in the coffin for the Singhania family, keeping her mom's existence a secret from Akshara was never something they had agreed with  and loosing another one of their own had cemented their decision to leave India forever.

Her line of thought was broken by a piercing scream, a young woman was on her knees, clutching her stomach, her entire body trembling in pain.

Kaira hadn't even realised that she was no longer alone on the steps of the river bank but ran towards the young woman.

"Ma'am are you alright ? Did you hurt yourself ?" On reaching closer, Kaira realised the woman was heavily pregnant, and then the young woman raised her face and their eyes met.

It was like looking at herself in the mirror, the same doe eyes, upturned nose and full mouth.
The same eyes she shared with her mumma
The same eyes that used to twinkle with laughter when Kaira used to blow raspberries at her baby sister.

"Akshara" the name came out like a whisper.

A/N 2 : right so this chapter was all about introducing Kaira.
I always wanted Akshara to know more about Naira and the Singhanias cuz lets be honest they were amazing
And honestly Akshu deserves an older sister
Sisterhood is truly very special and it sucks that the show keeps messing it up

Do comment, would love to read your thoughts and views. <3

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