Chapter Two.

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At the park we found a worn out basketball. Kyle and Ike were playing basketball together and they were distracted. I wanted them to forget about how their dad is being a dickhead. I scrolled through my phone while sitting on a swing right by the court and saw a text from David. I opened his snap and it was a picture of the rink.

David: miss u already!!

His skates were on and I smiled.

Me: I'll go tmrw, promise lmao

I smiled at my phone as we continued texting. I felt eyes on me and looked up. Kyle was looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes. Ike was yelling at him to focus before he threw the ball at him. Our moment was cut short and I blinked rapidly. I held my chest and felt a weird feeling. Kyle playfully punched Ike and Ike desperatly tried to get the ball back from him. Right when Ike was about to get it, the ball slid out of Kyle's hands and rolled to the other side of the road. I chuckled at their clumsiness and walked up to Ike while Kyle chased after the ball. "Kyle's always looking at you! It's so annoying." "Wait, what?" Ike crossed his arms like the little kid he is, "Yeah! At home all he talks about is you. He never quits!" My cheeks started to warm up. "Ike, you little turd!" Kyle was running after Ike and he tossed the ball at me. Ike screamed like a little girl as Kyle chased him as fast as he could.

Ike didn't run fast enough and Kyle tackled him. His hat fell off and his red curls bounced out. He always kept them trapped in his hat because he was embarassed about how they looked, but I loved them. They made Kyle... well, Kyle. "Uncle! I said Uncle!" Ike screeched. I zoned back in at the screech and Kyle was pushed off of him. "I wanna go home now." Ike cried.

The sun was setting and it was close to Ike's bedtime. "Alright big guy, c'mon." Kyle threw Ike over his arms and gave him a piggy-back ride. Ike was already shutting his eyes. I walked up next to them, "Ike told me about something and I'm not sure how to react." He made a 'mhm.' noise and I went on. "Well he said you're always talking about me. Is it true?" Kyle's eyes narrowed. His cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. "He's always going on about something. Don't believe him, okay?" He looked at me with glossy eyes and when the sun hit them my heart skipped a beat. "Yeah..."

We walked up the house steps and couldn't hear yelling anymore. Kyle carefully opened the door and his mom was sitting at the table crying and drinking wine. She jumped at the sudden noise and looked towards us. "Oh, hey bubbie." She sounded defeated. "Where's dad?" Sheila took another sip of wine, "He's staying at the motel a few blocks away. I'm not sure when he's going to come back." Kyle's armed weakened and Ike dropped a bit. "You should get going. I need to put Ike to bed and I don't want your dad getting mad at you for being out too late."

Kyle's mom grabbed Ike out of Kyle's arms and went up the stairs. "Thanks for today. I appreciate you distracting us for a bit. Can we hang out again tomorrow?" I looked down at my phone. "I already made plans with David, but I can see if I have time." Kyle looked towards the groud and it hurt to see. Before I could say goodbye, Kyle wrapped his arms around me.

He held me close and I was in pure shock. "Thank you." He muffled out. I wrapped my arms around him and then I heard footsteps going down the stairs.

Kyle's POV:

Her body was so warm it was hard to let go when I heard my mom coming back down the stairs. "It's best you get home Y/N. My bubbie probably needs some time alone." I wanted to tell my mom I needed more time with her, but I couldn't mention it. I let go of her embrace and looked into her bright E/C eyes. Her eyes began to well with tears. She quickly rubbed them away and smiled at me. My heart stopped. My mom was holding Y/N's bag and handed it to her. "I hope to see you soon Y/N. Thank you for taking care of my boys." My mom has always showed a soft spot for Y/N. And I have too.

Once Y/N waved goodbye, my mom and I were about to get ready for bed. "Bubbie, can I talk to you for a sec?" I looked towards her as she patted a spot on the couch. I walked over to her and took a seat. "Do you have feelings for her?" My mom had never been this up front with me about this kind of subject. "I-" I couldn't let out a single word.

Y/N gave me hope. She never knew it, but I've liked her forever. When Mr. Garrison first introduced her to the class I knew she was the one. My little 2nd grade self had never seen a girl as perfect as her. Her H/C flowed perfectly. The way she looked at me when she first walked in made me shiver.

"I think I do."

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