Chapter Four.

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Kyle's POV:

I sat down with David as I watched Y/N help Ike with skating. "So you like Y/N?" I side eyed David. "I can tell. You know, the way you look at her. She's a pretty girl." David was still staring at them skating at he blurted out the truth. "I don't know." I lied as I looked down at my shoes. I felt David looking at me. "I don't care if you like her, even if I like her too." My eyes widened.

I mean, it wasn't a shocker, but he was so forward about it. "It's up to Y/N who she likes, even if one of us isn't happy with her choice." He sounded cocky. "Thanks David. It is true though. Just please don't tell her." David shrugged while he watched them. "She's so good with kids. She's gentle too. One time we were practicing and I dropped her. Her head was bleeding onto the ice and she wasn't even mad. She just had me help her clean up the cut and then we went back to performing. Her soul is perfect." Every word he spoke was the truth. She does have a perfect soul. He put my every thought into words. We both sat in silence as we watched Ike slowly begin to grow a passion for skating. I mean, he is Canadian after all.

After Ike was worn out, they joined us and Ike sat down next to me. "I'm tired Kyle, I wanna go home!" I sighed knowing that I had to leave Y/N alone with him now that I know he likes her. "Well we better get going. Have fun you two." "Bye Kyle and Ike!" David didn't say anything to me and instead took her by the arm. That piece of shit.

Y/N's POV:

Of course I was upset about Kyle leaving, but we had to practice if we wanted to win that competition. I shook off my feelings and went back to the ice with David to finish up.

Once me and David finished up our practice, I got my uggs back on in the locker room and texted kyle.

Me: can we hang out? Jus finished up with david

Kyle: sure, just come over to my house otw back to urs.

I put my phone down as I put my skates back in my bag. I met David outside and he agreed to drive me to Kyle's. "Today was fun. How about we come back in a few days?" I was nervous about his speeding, but I nodded. After the long drive we pulled up in front of Kyle's house. "Today really was fun. See you later David." He smiled at me and waited for me to get to the front door to drive off.

I knocked and Kyle opened the door quietly. "Ike and my mom are sleeping on the couch so be silent." He whispere. We quietly walked up to his room and he closed the door. I set my bag down and let out a breath. We both sat down on his bed and he turned on his TV. He kept the Broncos game on which was the first channel to show up. "I have a serious question." He was leaning on his hand as he stared into my eyes. "Yeah?"

Kyle let out a deep breath. "Do you like David? Like more than a friend. Be honest with me." Out of all questions, this wasn't what I expected. But I knew the answer rigth away. "No. I only think of him as a skating partner and a good friend. Nothing more." I could feel Kyle take a sigh of relief. Why is he acting so weird all of a sudden? We watched the Broncos game and judged some of the players. We were having a good time up until I got a call from David. "Put it on speaker." I answered and put it on speaker.

"Hey Y/N. I need to talk to you." Me and Kyle gave eachother a look as David continued. "When I was talking to Kyle he told me something I thought you should know. Are you there?" Kyle's eyes widened and he pressed the mute button. "Hang up. I mean, make an excuse and hang up. Don't listen to him." I unmuted and looked at Kyle, confused. "I'm actually kind of busy right now. Can it wait?" I could practically hear the eye roll fron David. "Yeah, sure. Maybe at the next practice?" "Mhm."

Kyle's POV:

What the fuck is wrong David? He said he understood. I asked him not to tell her. "Why didn't you want me to know what you told him?" I looked away from her to avoid eye contact. "It's nothing." Y/N turned her phone off and we started watching the Broncos game in silence. When it was the last minute of the game, I got a text from Stan.

Stan: dude where the hell are you??

Me: hanging out with Y/N?

Stan: forget a certain promise you made? Cartman's about to kick your ass!

Shit. I forgot about how I promised to go to Stan's house with the rest of the guys as soon as Ike was finished. I looked over at Y/N and she was already sleeping; she looked so peaceful. Her arm was under her head and she was obviously cold because of the fact she was curled up near her chest. Before I could text Stan back, he started calling me.

"Dude, I swear if you don't get over here I'm gonna kick your head is Kahl!" Cartman had stolen Stan's phone and was yelling at me. "Chill out. Y/N's sleeping and I don't want to wake her up!" I whisper yelled. "Stop being a simp and get your ass over here Kahl!" The way he says my name pisses me off. "I'll leave a note for her," and then hung up. I grabbed a sticky note and a pen off my bedside table and started writing, "Cartman wants to kick my ass so I went to Stan's. If I'm not back when you read this note feel free to stay. -Love, Kyle" I stuck it to the table and pulled the comforters over her. Y/N's body relaxed a bit and I slowly got up from the bed to not startle her. I grabbed my phone and put my shoes on, then headed out the door.

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