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Donny walks to the door and opens it, only to see a pizza delivery girl, who was holding a box he had forgotten he ordered earlier.

"Pizza?" Donny asked the delivery girl.

"Yea!" She answered before giving him the pizza box. After getting the box, Donny tries to shut the door but gets halted,"Wait!" The delivery girl yells. Donny opens the door again and sees the delivery girl holding a painting of a stick man sitting on a chair.

"Can I get your autograph?" The girl cheerfully asked Donny. Donny, though slightly irritated, takes the painting and signs it. He gives the painting back to the girl and tries closing the door again before being halted again.

"Wait!" The girl yells again, leading Donny to opening the door again and angrily ask," What now!?"

The girl pauses before asking,"Are you free this..." at that impatient Donny slams the door shut and after prossecing what the girl was about to ask, he began to think to himself," This is just great! I can't go anywhere with anyone while I have this curse on me!"

Donny then walks back to the window and looks out of it," I have to find a way to see people normally again, until then... I'm not leaving my apartment for anyone! Yes!"

Donny plans before he turns to a coffee table and excitedly stares at a mechanical pencil on the table.

End of second part

If you want to read the comic version of my book, click the link in my profile.

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