Art is subjective!

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"Gosh, where do I begin?" Donny wonders as he stares at a blank sheet of paper." I need to draw something, that's the only way I'll know if what I'm seeing is my style, or I just need a doctor."

Donny sketches a picture of a house, he then stands and walks toward the window." It's the same house, they're all the same!" Donny exclaims. He turns around and goes back to the coffee table, where he sketches a drawing of himself. He goes to look at himself in the mirror that is hanging on the wall." I'm a stickman, because I draw stick people. What's going on?"

Donny's jaw drops before he searches through a drawer next to his bed. He takes out a photo and stares at it, it's a photo of his grandmother. In the picture, she's sitting on a chair. She was the inspiration for Donny's famous 'stickman sitting on a chair' painting; and like everyone else Donny sees, she is a stickman in the photo." I don't remember much of what happened last time, let me think. " Donny tries remembering his childhood.

"I woke up one morning, and no one looked like a person anymore, they all looked like my favorite thing to draw at that time. Which was-"

End of Part

"Why end here? Are you kidding me!" That's probably what you're thinking, right? Maybe you love this book so much, you want longer chapters?

Well if that's the case, just give word and I'll be happy to write more, for all of you stick people!

Stickman needs to drawOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz