Art competition?

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The next day

This is how much your art made." Nia gives Donny a stack of money.

Donny stares at the money as he thinks," Money doesn't even look like money anymore! It's just doodles!"

"I need more drawings, it's like people suddenly like your art for some reason." Nia explains as she stands.

Donny then stands from his chair and pushes Nia out of the Apartment.

"I haven't drawn anything yet, but I'll start as soon as you leave." Donny tries to shut the door but Nia halts him.

"Wait! What's going on? I thought we were friends, but you haven't contacted me in days!" Nia complains as she pushes the door open.

"I'm going through something called grief, if you've never heard of it. I would like to be alone now." Donny argues as he tries to shut the door.

Nia pushes the door open and wins her way into the apartment," I'm sorry about what happened to your grandmother; but wouldn't it be healthier for you to go out more? Maybe hang out with people that care about you."

"I can't, as long as they look like stick people." Donny thinks.

"Unless there's another reason?"

"There is, but you wouldn't believe me."

"What? Of course I would, I'm your closest friend. Why wouldn't I...?"

"For the past few days, the world has been looking like my art style. All I see are stick figures!" Donny confesses.

Nia stumbles around as she tries to control herself," Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing, but... Are you serious?" Nia chuckles.

Donny turns his head to the side, discouraged.

"Anyway, I have to get back to work. Did you submit any art for that competition?"


"Are you going to watch the live television announcement tonight?"

"I thought you were late for work?" Donny barks.

"Alright, I'll leave already!" Nia leaves.

Donny walks toward the door and closes it, before walking to the window;" Maybe grandma would've wanted me to submit some art. Who knows, maybe I would've won?" Donny turns to coffee table." I don't know why I'm seeing stick people again. The last time this happened was when I was six years old, the only person that believed me then was grandma, but who can help me now?"

Donny walks toward the coffee table and takes a pen and paper," Since my art style is the problem. It might also be the solution."

End of part

This was long wasn't it... right?

Stickman needs to drawWhere stories live. Discover now