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"Pack your things, you're evicted!" Miss land lord informs Donny as he stands in his doorway.

"Just give me one more day." Donny begs.

"You're three months behind. If you leave now, you won't owe me a cent."

"Just one day."

"This room should be cleared by the end of the week." She turns around and walks away. Donny stares in devastation, before closing the door. He walks to the window and sulks.


"I wonder how Donny's doing." Emily thinks before walking to the window of her bedroom. She takes out a pair of binoculars and searches for Donny's window." There he is, but he doesn't look very happy today. Don't worry Donny; soon, you're gonna be on TV."

Emily walks to a table and takes her phone. She takes a photo of the stickman painting on the wall, the one Donny had sighed.

"Fellow art enthusiasts," Emily types on her phone." I'm submitting this wonderful piece of art to the international art competition. Make sure you guys vote for it, okay."

It wasn't long before the post got thousands of likes.

End of Part

We need more characters, but don't worry people. I'm just getting started.

Stickman needs to drawWhere stories live. Discover now