The bear goes...

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Twenty years ago, when Donny could barely read and write, he loved to draw; but there was one problem he had. The only thing he knew how to draw were teddy bears. The simple small circle, big circle, arm circles, leg circles and face. Donny was obsessed with drawing bears because of a TV show he enjoyed; and even though his family were tired of seeing bears on a wobbly line he called a ground, he loved his art.

"One day, I woke up one morning and the world was blank, all I saw were bears. That was the happiest day of my life at the time. I loved bears, so seeing my family become them was a gift from God." Donny remembers as he sits on the edge of his bed."

"Mommy, Mommy! You're a bear!"

"Haha, that's some imagination you have there Donny; but what if I was a tougher animal?"

"Daddy, Daddy! You're a bear!"

"For the last time Donny, we support the eagles in this family, no other team alright?"

"Jonny, Jonny! You're a bear!"

"At least I'm not a loser who can't draw." Jonny laughed. "No one wanted to hear it. I felt discouraged, and my sight got worse each day. Eventually, I wasn't even pleased with the bears I saw anymore.

"Knock knock, can I come in?" Donny's grandmother asked as she peaked through the door.


"And, why is that. The last time I checked, your great grandfather built this house for the whole family to share, and I specifically remember him making this bedroom the, a'nyone can enter', room."

"Fine, come in." Donny mumbled.  He faced the wall, and his back was facing towards his grandmother. He had been crying in his room.

"What's wrong, Donny?"


"I don't think nothing would make you this quite when it's almost your birthday."

"I don't want to tell you. You won't believe me!"

"I'll beli1eve you, even if you tell me you painted the Mona lisa."

Donny trusted his grandmother, so he turned around and sat next to her." You're a bear, grandma."

"Really, that's nice; and what about the rest of the house, do you see furniture?"

"I only see bears, everything else is white."

"Then maybe you should learn to draw furniture." Donny's grandmother suggested, a wide eyed Donny turned to face her.

End of Part

I'm pretty sure the first thing I ever learned how to draw was a teddy bear. What was the first thing you learned to draw?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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