Chapter two.

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My mom was just pulling up as I got to my small home, her car nearly hitting the tree next to our drive... again. She parked as I got to the front door and pulled out my keys; sticking them into the lock and twisting. Running up to me in her work heels, she pecked my cheek and pushed the handle down.

"Sometimes, I wonder how you got your license. What has that poor tree ever done to you?" I giggled as I hung my coat on the coat hanger.

She rolled her eyes and pushed me sidewards so I landed up on the living room door. I shot her a playful glare.

"So, how was school?"

I sent her a suspicious glance as we walked into the kitchen and I sat at the marble-countered island. She never asked about school and her eye was twitching: she was nervous.

"Cut the small talk mother, what do you want to say to me really?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her.

Biting her lip, she looked at me from the sink where she was washing up our cups and bowls from breakfast this morning. "Here." She opened the drawer next to the sink and pulled out a white envelope that was already ripped open. I looked at it, then at her and pursed my lips.

"What is it?" I picked it up as she slid it across the island.

A big grin slowly crept onto her face, her red lips spreading wide and showing bright white teeth. "You got in! You did it, Kate, you got in!"

I frowned, having no idea what so ever what she was talking about, so I opened the letter. I read over it once, twice, then a third and a fourth time, just to make sure my eyes weren't blurring. Then I screamed and dropped the letter to the kitchen floor, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! OH MY GOD!"

My mom laughed and hugged me, lifting me from the floor and holding me to her slim body tightly. "I knew you could do it! I'm so, so proud of you Katie."

I picked the piece of paper up again, staring at the words that would change my life forever:

Dear Miss Katie Andrews,

We would like to personally thank you for your application for our college. We very much appreciate you selecting Williams College, based in Massachusetts as one of your choices for the future. We are very pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join our college, on a conditional offer.

We have enclosed all the information you will need to transition from England to Massachusetts should you gain the required grades. We very much hope to see you September.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Evans.

College! The college of my dreams and my new start! I was so excited if only a little nervous. American High School and College was a lot different from how we worked in England. In England, you went to secondary school, which was year seven to eleven.

In year eleven you took your GCSE's, the qualifications I was studying now and preparing for. Depending on your GCSE's you could go to College or Sixth Form and study A-Levels and then if you got the right grades, you could go off to University for a degree.

As I understood it, in America, high school was like secondary and college mixed together and then 'college' was University. So yeah, I was nervous about jumping from secondary to University, all the way in Massachusetts at that, and technically, I shouldn't have even been allowed because of my young age.

However, the GCSE and careers advice teacher we had at my school had begged me to apply because she felt I had the brains and sense to be able to skip the two years I was meant to spend in England college and go straight to University instead.

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