Chapter seven.

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Oh Jesus, that hurt. I gritted my teeth and continued to walk towards my locker but I was hurting badly from mine and Lindsey's night together.

"Hey." I jumped in surprise as I put my books in my locker and turned to face Lexi.

"Are you ok? You're walking funny."

I blushed crimson and shifted my books under the crook of my arm, taking one earbud out of my ear. "Yeah, I'm fine." I really didn't want to have this conversation.

"Have you hurt your leg?"

Oh for god sake Lexi! Could you be less inquisitive for once?! I wanted to shout this at her, but I refrained. I'd already lost her respect and trust; I didn't want to lose what little friendship I had left with her. So I just mutely shook my head at her instead. She pursed her lips and then her eyes flickered over me.

"You didn't," she hissed out of nowhere, her lips thin in the tightest line I had ever seen.

I gulped, knowing that she knew but deciding to play innocent. Go for coy, Kate. "No, I didn't hurt my leg... I just said that." I added on an eye roll to help the innocent look, but Lexi wasn't buying it. I should have known she wouldn't.

"Don't act stupid, Kate!" She hissed. I had to repress the urge to flinch as she stepped forward. "You two slept together didn't you?"

Through her anger, I could see the hurt in her eyes and it was as if a hand was punched inside my chest and my heart was being squeezed. A memory came back to me of one of our conversations.

"Ok, would you ever sleep with a girl, like, "make love"?" I asked Lexi as she braided my hair into two different plaits without a bobble. She pauses for a split second to gather up another piece of hair then she continued.

"Yes." I started to smirk, knowing she couldn't see me.

She scoffed suddenly and it made me jump out my skin. "Don't think I don't know you're smirking."

I laughed and turned in her lap so that she had to drop my hair, which landed down my back and began to unravel from its braid without the security of elastic. "Would you?" I wrapped my legs around her waist and rubbed my nose against hers.


I leaned down and bit her bottom lip softly, tugging it into my mouth. Moaning, she fisted some of my hair at the nape of my neck. "Don't let anyone be your first but me, ok?" She whispered as she bit my upper lip. I nodded, repressing a groan.

"Ok, I promise."

"Promise, promise?"

I nodded quickly, pushing her down and pressing her into the mattress where she proceeded to wrap her legs around my hips and pull me in close. "Yes, I promise, promise."

She giggled quietly, a beautiful sound. "Good, we'll have so much fun. Don't break your promise, Kate."

I sighed as she nuzzled my neck. "I won't."

"You broke your promise," she whispered throatily, in the weird way that she knows what I'm thinking.

It was as if there was a ball stuck in my throat, and the hand around my heart squeezed tighter. Oh, Lex. I'm so sorry. I opened my mouth, about to answer her back, when Oscar, Brian, Charley and the devil herself: Lindsey, came down the hall, all laughing about something or other.

"Hello, Kate, Lexi." Oscar smiled and I give him a weak smile back.

Lexi ignored him blankly.

"Hey." Lindsey gave me a tight smile and then a wink when no one was looking.

"Hello, Lexi." Lindsey beamed at Lexi and my heart plummeted.

No, no, no, Linds. Stupid girl. Keep walking! I was trying to say all this to Lindsey with my facial expressions but she seemed completely puzzled. In a whir of motion, Lexi spun around and punched Lindsey straight in the face, and before I knew it, blood started spurting from Lindsey's nose.

"Lexi!" I shouted, gripping her shoulders but she shrugged me off, hard, sending me flying into my locker.

"You are one dirty whore you know that?!" She seethed.

Everyone was horrified, whispering, gasping at the drama in front of them. Oscar was gaping, cradling Lindsey who was bleeding all over his t-shirt. Charley was hiding behind Brian; whose eyes were wild with excitement. He loved violence, especially girl on girl violence.

"W-what?" Lindsey gasped, she was still cradling her nose and peeking from Oscar's chest.

There was a whole crowd at this point and all the butterflies were hiding in my stomach, but there were two bulls in there doing the tango. No, Lex. Please. Don't do this. Don't hurt Oscar in front of the whole school. Please! I wanted to shout this at her, but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth so I stood there, mute, with wide eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about!" She hissed, her eyes slid to the corner, to me and then back before anyone noticed but I knew that Lindsey did and her face paled.

"You've used someone who had feelings for you and you've manipulated them. You just wanted sex, to explore. Now you've done it and you've hurt three people in the process."

Lindsey was quivering uncontrollably. Oh, Linds, it's all over, they all know now. Oscar backed away from Lindsey and she gave him wide, green eyes of innocence. "Is this true?" And then his eyes flickered to me and the blood drained from my face.

Shit. How did he know it was me she was talking about? Lindsey didn't move, didn't say anything. And then, "she was just an experiment! I just wanted to know what it was like with a girl! Please, Oscar, I'm so sorry!"

I gasped and the hand around my heart pulled to the breaking point, ripping it right out my chest.

She was just an experiment.

Oscar shook his head and walked off, Brian tried to follow but Charley gripped his arm and demanded he stayed. He shook her off and went after Oscar, leaving a gaping Charley and Lindsey. I walked up to Lindsey who opened her mouth to speak, stammering over her words and blinking rapidly.

"Katie, I... I..."

I pulled my fist back and sent it flying into her nose. A resounding crack split the corridor and more blood spurted out. My knuckles ached but I felt good. I was warned over and over again about Lindsey, even my own subconscious knew, but I ignored everyone and look where it had gotten me.

I only wanted to know what it was like with a girl.

Well, know you know, bitch.

I shivered all over as I ran through the crowd, everyone parting my way and the whispers trailed behind me like ghosts.


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