Chapter four.

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As my eyes fluttered open and the fog that lied heavy on my brain every time I went to sleep started to lift, a million butterflies erupted inside my stomach, because of the arm wrapped around my waist and the body behind me. A smile slowly spread across my face.

I felt heated and flushed because of the sun streaming down on me from the open windows. The gleam of my dark hair sparkled back at me from the mirror hanging on Lexi's bedroom wall. I stretched wide, twisting onto my back and spreading my arms in the air above my head with a small groan.

"That was a big stretch," a little voice commented next to my ear.

My smile grew wider as I turned my head to face Lexi, noticing how sparkly her brown eyes were in the sun, the color of milk chocolate. "Morning," I breathed, breathless from her beauty.

"Morning beautiful." She placed a soft kiss to my nose then my cheeks and finally my lips, a smile on her own. "God you smell so good, mmm," she mumbled as she ran her nose from the hollow of my throat to the base of my chin.

I lifted my hand and placed it in her hair, playing with the strands. "What do I smell like?" I giggled, tilting my head back as she started pressing small and sweet kisses to the skin of my throat.

"You smell like honey and milk. It's delicious."

I grinned slowly, my hand slipping out of her hair and sliding down her throat and over her shoulders, giving them a slow rub. "You smell like apples and cinnamon and the wind, it smells better."

She lifted her head and moved a dark curl from my face. "You're beautiful. You know that?"

I laughed and sat up, turning my upper body to look at her. "Coming from you?"

I giggled again and leaned forward, softly placing a kiss on her lips. "Come on, I'll make breakfast and we need to hurry so we don't miss our train. Do you want to get to the beach today?"

While I made and served the breakfast, Lexi made the cups of tea and placed them on the breakfast bar. We both sat down opposite each other and I made haste to scoop some scrambled egg onto my fork with the help of my knife and put it in my mouth, chewing slowly.

"Do you think we'll make the train in time?" I asked.

Lexi cut up a piece of her toast and scooped some beans onto her fork with the toast as she frowned and thought about it. I waited for her to speak as I took a piece of toast off my plate and took a bite.

"It's eight now. The bus is at nine. It takes half an hour to get into town, another fifteen minutes to get to the station. The train should be no longer than three hours and it gets to the station at ten. We should be there by one o'clock," she paused as she put the food in her mouth and chewed.

Once she swallowed, she carried on. "If we finish up here within twenty minutes, we could be ready just before nine and be ready for the bus."

As I tried to mentally work out if I could be ready in twenty minutes, I cut up a piece of bacon and put it in my mouth, slowly chewing it and tasting how salty it was. "Ok... how did you even know all that? You're from Miami!" I laughed, looking up from cutting another piece of bacon to see Lexi chewing with the cup hovering close to her mouth.

Once she chewed whatever she was eating, she then took a gulp of her tea. I picked up my own tea and drank half of it. We both placed our cups down at the same time and smiled at each other. "Because I researched when we made the plans, dummy. Do you still want to borrow my bikini? Remember, I have bigger boobs than you."

I rolled my eyes at her. I had a million swimming costumes in my draws at home but Lexi had insisted that she wanted to see my, and I quote, "delicious body in a bikini so I can watch water droplets run between your breasts, over your stomach and into the rim of your bottoms," she'd finished with a smirk at my heated cheeks and accelerated breathing.

Untouched.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें