Chapter eight.

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Brush my teeth.

Eat breakfast.


Text Lexi.

Eat lunch.

Exist some more...

Eat dinner.

Put pajamas on.

Text Lexi.

Go to sleep.

This is what my Saturday consisted of. Then Sunday and then Monday. We had a teaching training day so I had one less day where I would have to put up with the whispers and rumors that were bound to be flying around school when we all went back on Tuesday.

I knew for a fact that I was going to be listening to twenty different garbled versions of the story. At least Lexi couldn't ignore me at a school like she could over texts. Surely, she would speak to me now? We were moving steadily closer to the middle of March and before we knew it, we'd be in Massachusetts.

She couldn't ignore me anymore.


Ok, turned out I was wrong. Lexi could ignore me in school as well as over texts because she wasn't there. Seemed that she was the clever one, staying off school until the rumors blew over so then she didn't have to face them, or Lindsey. Who, by the way, had one messed up nose.

It was covered in a heavy white bandage that covered up half her face. Well, I assumed so anyway. I didn't get a good look at her face since she'd been walking around in a hoodie, with the hood over her head. Sunglasses, yeah sunglasses inside! And earphones stuck in her ears.

Guess she was taking the brunt of the stares and whispers as well as me. I frowned as I sat down in my chair. Lexi's was vacant. I mean, I knew she wasn't in school but a small part of me had hoped that I just hadn't seen her around. But she really wasn't in.

When was she going to come in? I needed to talk to her badly. To beg for forgiveness and perhaps grovel if I had to. I admit, I was beyond scared about seeing her, because I didn't know how she was going to react to me. Clearly, she had been ignoring my texts and phone calls since Friday.

So she didn't want to know me? Or did she just want time and space? Oh man, I'd screwed up big time. When class was over, I was subjected to more staring, completely different versions of what happened Friday and loads more staring. I also had the displeasure of seeing Oscar Reynolds. He looked rough. Beyond rough.

It was a very tense moment, walking past him and Brian. I knew that if he had told Brian to beat the shit out of me, Brian would have had no qualms about it. His eyes blazed with anger as I walked past, but he gave me a weak smile anyway. That was when I gained a ton of respect for Oscar Reynolds but lost a lot for myself.

I shook my head at him and mouthed, "I'm so sorry." He nodded and continued walking. Clearly, he didn't want to know me either. But who could blame him?


Wednesday was pretty much the same. Staring and whispering. God, do these people ever get a life? The only difference with Wednesday was that Lexi texted me back. As soon as I saw her name flash on my phone, my heart was in my throat. I could barely breathe. What was it going to say? Leave me the fuck alone?

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