Chapter three.

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I let out a pained moan after touching my tattoo too hard, sending a red hot, stinging pain straight through my leg.

"Well don't touch it then." Lexi rolled her eyes at me, sliding into the seat next to mine.

I stuck my tongue out at her and she stuck hers back at me and crossed her eyes making me snort with amusement. I turned to the front, shifting to my side a bit so that I didn't press on my new tattoo again. When I had woken today I had guessed it was going to be a hot, humid day and I was right.

The sun was spilling trough the classroom windows, kissing everyone's skin with its beams. Its golden rays fell over each student in the room, making them glow golden, but mostly it was attracted to Lexi. Born in Miami, it was no wonder her skin sought out the touch of the sun.

"You look beautiful today, by the way," I whispered in her ear.

Lexi laughed and ducked her head into her neck after my breath had tickled it. "So do you," she complimented.

She pulled back and I got another leisurely look at her high waist shorts with a black crop top. Non-school uniform Friday's were turning out to be a blessing with the preview of skin I was getting.

"I think you should come to mine tonight," she whispered, so the teacher didn't hear us. She followed the request with a grab to my thigh which she used to pull me closer. My stomach did front flips.

I leaned forward, hoping to tell her something. Then hissed out in pain and pulled away. "Ow! Sweet Jesus."

"Oh, sorry."

I shook my head, trying to keep my leg still. "Not your fault. Uh, yeah. Yours tonight?" I asked and she nodded, placing a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"Yeah, mom's doing the night shift and I wanted someone to stay with me." She pouted, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I laughed and scratched an itch on my nose and cheeks. I really hated the heat. "Ok, sleep over then?"

Rolling her eyes, she laughed. "What are we, ten? But yeah, if that's what you want to call it, you freak."

I stuck my tongue out at her again and ran my fingers through my hair. "Stop sticking your tongue out at me before I bite it."


I smiled to myself as I walked through the playground with my ear buds in, heading towards the field to join Lexi for some sunbathing. Being as it was Friday, we were allowed to wear our own clothes, as oppose to our usual drab school uniform, which meant that all the girls were in their most provocative outfits.

Me and Lexi had decided to go and sunbathe to rate the girls out of ten for looks, body, and personality. I was nearly there, needing only to turn a shadowy corner before Lexi was in my line of sight when a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked over to my right, pulling my ear buds out in surprise.

Lindsey stood before me, biting her bottom lip. She looked somewhat cute in her short shorts, converse and vest top. But that was it, she looked cute. She didn't look gorgeous or stunning or beautiful, not the way Lexi did. "Cute. What do you want?"

She blinked, taken aback and shook her head to the side, to flick her curled hair and bangs out her eye. "Well, um..." she sighed and looked at me. "Look. We both know why we haven't been speaking for a while-"

I cut her off, speechless at her audacity. "A while? A while?! Are you serious? It's been nearly two years!"

She cringed and nodded, casting her eyes to the floor, her blonde hair falling in front of her face. "I know. I'm sorry. I really am. But, we're nearly at the end of school and I really want to have my friend back before you go to Massachusetts."

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