Chapter nine.

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"She's gone already?" I whispered numbly.

She nodded, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Kate."

I shook my head, walking to my mom's car and silently climbing back into the passenger seat. We didn't speak as she turned her key, the engine spluttering to life and the radio coming on. We carried on in silence as she drove us home, further away from Lexi. Why was I so utterly wounded?

I hadn't even been talking to her for that long. We never got together. We didn't sleep together. But some reason, I was dejected and crushed that she had left me. She didn't leave you. She left England. Same difference! I scowled to my inner thoughts. Was it worth going to the airport?

I numbly got my phone out, opening up the travel app and checked the times for the planes to Miami. Scrolling through, my heart went crazy. A forty-five-minute delay! I had fifteen minutes to get to that airport! "Mom!" I screamed.

My mom swerved so hard we nearly crashed into a tree. Thank God the street was empty. My body propelled backward into the seat, my hair bouncing around the small space. "Kate! You just nearly killed us!" She screeched.

I panted in horror as I looked over at her, my breathing ragged. Her flowers had spilled to the floor and some loose petals and leaves scattered the floor. My mom pressed a hand to her racing heart at the precise moment I did the same. "What is it, Kate?"

"Lexi left for Miami. But her flight doesn't leave for another fifteen minutes. Please, please, drive!"

My mom looked like she wanted to argue but saw the panicked look on my face and sighed, starting the car again. She swerved us around, in a really illegal way and put her foot down. "If I get arrested for you Katie Andrews, you are grounded for life!"

"Come on, come on," I kept muttering to myself as we drove.

My mom kept shooting me glares as I muttered about how slow we were going. How long had we been driving? Was I going to make it? After an eternity, we pulled up to the airport and parked.

"You go!" My mom urged. "I'll be right here. Get her, Kate!" She gave me an encouraging grin as I clambered out.

As I passed through the automatic doors, I heard behind me, "excuse me, you can't park there! You'll have to move or you'll get a ticket!" And then my mom's shouting voice about love.

I laughed as I raced inside, my shoes squeaking on the floor as I shouldered past people. I needed the help desk. Scanning the wide space, I noticed the help sign and a big queue. I ran up to the desk, ignoring everyone's angry protests.

"Excuse me! I need to know if the flight to Miami has left yet?" I asked in short pants. I could barely breathe.

"Ma'am if you'd like to go to the back of the queue and I'll let you know when it's your turn."

I gritted my teeth at the black haired, blue eyed, southern boy in front of me. "Please! My girlf- my friend is on that plane. I need to stop her! Please!" My eyes and tone of voice must have given away my desperation because he sighed and started typing, agonizingly slow.

Each tap was like a century. Finally, he said, "that plane is now boarding. But you'll need a boarding pass to get on it."

I fumbled in my back pocket, whipping out my credit card. Man, my mom was going to kill me. I was only allowed this for flat out emergencies. Well, this was an emergency. "I'll buy one!"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, the deadline is too late. You can buy a ticket for the next flight in two hours. But you need to go the boarding plane to buy."

I closed my eyes, running my hand through my hair and gripping it. For God sake. I ran away from the desk, looking over the screens for where I had to run to. When I found it, I kept running, knocking people out the way and nearly falling over. Come on, come on!

I ran into the boarding area where the lines of people were handing over their boarding passes. Suddenly, an eruption of screams sounded through the airport. I followed the eyes of the screaming people and felt my gut drop at the sight of the burning plane. Fighting tears, I ran to the desk.

"Is that the plane to Miami!?" I shouted.

"Stay calm," a frazzled red headed boy answered.

I gripped him by his shirt. "IS THAT THE PLANE TO MIAMI?!" I screamed hysterically.


My hands let go of his top, my knees buckled and I slid to the floor, tears pouring down my cheeks. "Lexi."


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