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Quinn Fabray has always prided herself in planning every detail of her life. You would never know that though, because of how her life ended up, where seemingly nothing went according to plan. At the ripe age of 24 Quinn never imagined herself where she stood today.

She never foresaw an unplanned pregnancy at 16 with a random guy she met at a party. She never planned on this Mohawked hooligan to actually be a stand up guy and swear to be there for her. She never planned on being kicked out. Living in a conservative town in Ohio, with God Fearing Christians as parents, it was expected, but not planned.

She never planned on moving in with Noah Puckerman to try and make a relationship out of a one night stand. One thing that did go as expected; Her and said boy did not work out. Subsequently, moving her into the house of one of her best friends, Mercedes Jones. She had always planned on being a cheerleader on top of the social hierarchy, but she had never counted on having the best friends a girl could ask for. Brittany Pierce and Mercedes Jones were her only friends when she took that not so graceful fall from the top. They took her in and gave her a family when hers turned her away.

She never planned on keeping her daughter, Beth(Noah, was set on the name), but the moment she held her in her arms, she saw her whole life ahead of her and that little girl was with her every step of the way. And in that moment, she no longer cared about her plans.

After weeks of her mothers groveling, she moved back in with Judy(her mother) who had Divorced her hypocrite of a father and turned his study into a nursery. She would never admit it, but she moved back in so she would no longer be a burden to her friends and their families. Not wanting to hold them back from their dreams. Both Mercedes and Brittany had started making plans of putting off school for a year to help Quinn out.

With heavy hearts, both Mercedes and Brittany moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of their dreams. Leaving behind both Quinn and Beth with promises of always being friends.

She never expected Noah Puckerman to be the one constant in her life. He turned his life around as soon as he knew for sure that Quinn was keeping Beth. He graduated his high school while maintaing a part time job. He too, left to Los Angeles with the promise of starting a pool cleaning business while he attended a local junior college. He was to move out there with Finn Hudson, his best friend, a dim witted boy whom she had only met once or twice, and his Fiancé.

Noah sent as much money as he possibly could while Quinn stayed in Ohio and attended OSU. He flew back to visit Beth whenever he could manage, which usually meant twice a year. He skyped with Beth every other night and became Quinn's long distance best friend.

When he first called her and told her of his new full time job, Quinn thought he was joking. She even laughed out loud, it was the silence that followed that told her he really wasn't joking. It was his next words that would forever change Quinn's life for the better.

"You should move out here too" The line was silent, Quinn waited for the punch line of the joke, when it never came she could feel her heart thrum erratically in her chest.

"You can't be serious, Puck!"

"Dead serious, baby mama. Look, after all these years I have supported every one of your decisions. I let you call the shots when it came to OUR daughter. She's 8 now and I don't want to miss out on any more of her life."

"You're talking about Beth and I picking up our lives and moving out to Southern California. It's not that easy! We're talking about moving schools, finding a house, quitting my job! I'm sorry Noah, but it just can't be done."

"There are schools everywhere. There are some great condos not far from my place that I know Papa Russell can afford in all that alimony money he forked over to Judy. And you've been complaining about your job ever since you started. I don't know if you know this but Simon&Shuster has a Southern California office and it happens to be located in Anaheim. I also may or may not have had Sex with once of the higher ups who already promised a job interview to one Quinn Fabray." Puck was so adamant and so confident that Quinn had no other choice but to agree. Also, Simon and Shuster was every Valedictorian with an English Major and a business Minor's dream.

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