I care about you, Moron

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Hello wonderful people!

Glee is not mine, neither is Disney, or any other pop culture reference i may make.


Quinn had always loved her strong immune system. It was something Beth had luckily inherited. Both Fabray women hardly ever got sick. That being said, when they did get sick, it usually had them bed ridden or in one terrifying case, to the emergency room. They never got colds, they never got the sniffles. They were always known to be healthy.

And apparently this was also the case with one Rachel Berry. The girl was immaculately clean. She always made sure anything she touched was sanitary. And when she did get sick, much like the Fabray women, she got REALLY sick. The only difference is one Rachel Berry is a pain in the ass when she's sick. According to her friends that is. So when Rachel sneezed and then proceeded to cough, Quinn found it both endearing and amusing that everyone rushed to get cold medicine and cough drops for the small girl.

Rachel was able to keep it together for a week, she would pump herself full of vitamins and cold medicine and blaze on through the shows. Quinn began to fear for the girls health. But Rachel would not let her understudy take over. She didn't like the girl, and Quinn could understand why, on Rachel's day off she had gone to see the show and the girl was nothing to be impressed by.

"I know you guys aren't on the best terms but can't you step in for her?" Quinn tried to bargain with Santana during a commercial break while watching Grey's.

"First, she hasn't asked me herself. Second, I don't know the lines. She has an understudy for a reason. I'm just the stunt double and the dancer and one of the genies- I do the background work Q. Plus I always liked Mulan better" Santana shrugged and then shushed Quinn when Cristina Yang came on screen.

It was one of the guys from the cast, Ryder, that saved the day. He had mentioned his fledging crush on the coffee girl Santana often flirted with and informed everyone that she was a good singer. That she had even auditioned for a role, but had to back out when her Mother got sick and had to fly home. Bieste was even going to give her the part of the Jasmine understudy, but when the girl dropped out they never heard from her again.

"Hey Marley" Quinn said sweetly as she got to the counter (this time having actually taken a spot in line).

"Oh hey Quinn" Was it bad that she was already on first name basis with the coffee girl? "The usual? Just you or everyone?" The girl was already taking out a cup to write a name on but Quinn shook her head.

"No actually, I came to talk to you. Ryder mentioned you can sing?" The girl blushed looking around to make sure her supervisor wasn't catching her not doing her job.

"I like to sing, yea. Why?" it wasn't much of an assurance but she had a small Diva who was killing herself over an aladdin musical.

"Do you know the lines for Jasmine in the musical?" Quinn asked quickly, the girls eyes lit up, but she frowned. Apparently loyalty came first to her.

"That's Rachel's part. I would never want to take it-" Quinn quickly stopped the girl.

"Rachel is sick, and she won't let her understudy step in because let's face it, she's not the best" Marley nodded, agreeing with the statement. "And if we can show Rachel that you're good then maybe she can finally get better before we have to take her to the hospital." Marley bit her lip and looked over at the impatient people behind Quinn.

"I'm working right now." She told Quinn, though Quinn could tell even Marley didn't buy her own excuse.

"The show is just about to end. You'd need to show her now. Beiste is in today."

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