Teleporting Duck

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They ended up going over to Paradise Pier. The iconic area with California Screaming, the roller coaster that spins upside down in the shape of Mickey's head. They decided on Boardwalk pizza & pasta. It was located by a ride Beth begged to go on, Goofy's Sky School. So while they all headed to find a table, Puck and Beth went on the ride.

There weren't many people in the restaurant, so they were able to push together a bunch of tables. One of the employees was about to complain, but a pointed look from Santana quickly shut him up.

The table was just enough for the 10 of them. Quinn made sure to wait for Rachel to take her seat first. Santana looked irritated because she was acting as a barrier between Finn and Rachel. Quinn would be disgruntled too if she had to sit that close to the lovely couple. There was an empty seat next to Rachel that Quinn was going to make sure would be occupied by Puck. Blaine was next to the empty seat and next to him was Kurt. Quinn at his right and next to her was an empty seat for Beth and next to Beth's seat is Mike. Coming full circle back to Finn.

They had all already ordered their food at the counter and were just waiting for it to arrive. Quinn had taken the liberty of ordering Puck a very meaty pizza. And plain cheese pizza for Beth.

Quinn watched on as they all made small talk with each other, chatting excitedly about a friend of theirs that was directing his first feature film.

"So I'm clearly missing something." Kurt said to Quinn once everyone was distracted, excitedly talking about a guy named Artie.

"Oh do you need silverware?" Quinn asked looking around the table for an extra set. Kurt put his hand over Quinn's on the table, effectively getting her attention.

"What's up with you and pint size over there?" Kurt asked her once she finally looked at him. Quinn deliberated for a moment, but the God of good timing that had been on her side recently, saved her once again.

"Hey mom can daddy sit by me?" And yet...

The only available seat was next to Rachel. That is where Puck was supposed to sit. Beth had different plans.

"Yeah please Quinn?" Puck added behind her. Quinn looked at her favorite people. Both of them using the Puckerman Puppy dog eyes on her. How was she supposed to resist that?

"Umm, sure" Quinn said a bit reluctantly. She stood from her seat and looked awkwardly around, as if a another seat was to become available out of thin air.

"Quinn" Rachel waved excitedly to her. It looked like a scene out of a high school movie where the nerdy kid was excitedly waving over the jock. She grimaced slightly and looked down at Kurt.

"You missed something alright." She mumbled to him, Kurt's eyes followed her as she hesitantly took a seat between Rachel and Blaine. Quinn made sure to be leaning heavily towards the Aladdin impersonator.

"Hey Q I was telling snuffelupagus over here that you were a Cheerio, says he remembers you." Santana said, instantly breaking the tension that enveloped them as soon as she took the seat. She eyed Santana gratefully, she did it on purpose.

"Yeah I mean I remember you other than times we met because of Puck, you were really good, why did you quit?" Finn asked good-naturedly. Quinn frowned lightly at the question, she didn't quit. Sue thought it was better to kick off the pregnant teen.

"Jesus Finn" Santana muttered, shaking her head and looking down at the table. Finn furrowed his brow, probably wondering what he had done to upset the Latina this time. Quinn could feel Rachel's eyes burning into her, also slightly curious about the question. Though she had probably already guessed the answer.

"My coach kicked me off, when I found out about" Quinn glanced over at her daughter who was being entertained playing paper football with Puck and Mike. But just in case she mouthed her daughters name "Beth." Rachel glared over at Finn who looked sufficiently embarrassed.

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