On Holiday

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Quinn is all set to go. Cassandra gave her the morning off. Puck was able to get his understudy to fill in for the morning shows. They are both dressed like competent adults. Beth is in a dress Judy gave her to wear for easter. They look like the typical family.

So why is it that Quinn can not stop bouncing her knee? Her phone buzzes in her pocket.

Good luck today.

It's from Rachel. They hadn't really touched the subject of her and Finn. But considering Quinn hadn't let Rachel come over the previous night, it was probably for the best.

Quinn is very aware that she has a compulsive need to control everything and make sure everyone is alright.

Finn is her friend. Rachel is Finn's friend. She just wants everyone to get along.

You'll do fine, bitch.

This time it's Santana. She had gotten up extra early just to make them breakfast. Quinn is aware that her roommate is emotionally stunted in many ways. Making them breakfast was a form of the Latina showing her support.

Beth is awesome. The school would be lucky to have her.

This time it's Brittany. Quinn hadn't thought that she told her blonde friend about the interview. Santana must have told her. Those girls seemed to be on the phone with each other at all hours of the day.

She is about to respond to her favorite girls when Puck places a firm hand on her knee.

"Would you stop it? You're making me nervous." He asks her. This effectively stops her bouncing knee.

"Why are you guys nervous?" Beth asks, looking up from her copy of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix.

Quinn and Puck lock eyes for a moment then both turn to look at their daughter.

"We're not nervous." They both say at the same time. Beth arches her infamous eyebrow, looking just like Quinn did in her high school days.

"Sure..." Beth deadpans, unconvinced. She turns her attention back to the magical wizarding world. Choosing not to pay attention to her weird parents.

"Who are you even texting?" Puck asks, looking over her shoulder. Quinn offers her phone over to Puck. He smiles down at the phone then pulls his own at of his pocket.

"I got some too."

Beth will be a perfect fit. Don't worry.

It's from Kurt. He must have seen how crazy Puck had been that morning, stressing over the interview.

Don't fuck it up.

It's from her Finn. It manages a good hearty laugh form Quinn.

Beth is awesome. Quinn is awesome. You're iight. It'll go great.

This one is from Mike.

Then suddenly Puck's phone goes off.

They'd be lucky to have her at the school. Don't stress out.

It's from Blaine.

"You've got a message." Quinn let's him know, handing back his phone.

"You do too." Puck hands her back her phone. It's also from Blaine.

You guys are the perfect family. Don't worry.

"We have some pretty awesome friends." Puck tells her with a laugh, handing him back his phone. He just got a text from Rachel.

Love you! Good luck!

Quinn frowns down at the text. Sure, they hadn't said their 'I love you's' or anything, but why did Puck get more enthusiasm? Not that Quinn was ready in any way to say her I love you's.

Happiest Place on EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora