Chapter 1

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Everyone was walking around until they heard music singing. Five people started running and dancing.

" hahahaha that was so fun. "y/n laughs.

" hahaha, I know, right? I can't believe that worked." Mal says while smiling.

" Yes, I also love how y/n scared those people away from us" Evie says blushing while looking away.

" Heh thanks Evie but Jay what are you-" y/n gets cut off by Maleficent and her guards walking towards them.

"Hi mom," Mal says, smiling but annoyed.

" Stealing candy Mal, I'm so disappointed. "Maleficent says frowning.

" But mom, it was from a baby. "Y/n says smirking and looks at her sister, then mother.

" That's my nasty little girl. "Maleficent smiles pointing her staff at Mal.

Y/n frowns sadly, thinking about all the time that her mother only cares for Mal thinking that Mal is more evil than y/n.

Maleficent licks the sucker then puts it under her armpits. The five children cringing and looking away. maleficent gives the sucker to y/n

" Give it back to the children w/n" Maleficent says then turns to mal.

"It's y/n" Y/n says annoyed and rolls her eyes.

" Whatever anyways Mal you and those 3 are going to Auradon"Maleficent says.

"Three? But there are five of us" Mal questioned.

"Well y/n isn't going because I don't trust her. "Maleficent says while walking away with Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos leaving y/n alone.

Sigh just like always hmm I should go see what Uma is doing" Y/n says sadly.

She walks to Ursula fish and chip and walks through the doors. She walks towards the bar and sits down on a stool.

Uma walks to y/n while setting someone's food down.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Uma asks.

"Oh, you know mom is trusting the four vks to get the wand" y/n says while frowning and rolls her eyes.

"I thought she would start including you in these things" Uma says concern.

"No, she still doesn't trust me" y/n says and walks to Uma's room and lays in her bed.

Well since we are here let me introduce myself. I'm y/n daughter of Maleficent and Hades and twin of Mal.Yes I know what you are going to ask.

I don't know why our mother doesn't trust me.

Uma walks into her room and lays next to y/n and cuddles into her.

"Why won't you just tell your mother to trust you this once" Uma ask concerned.

"Because I know she's going to say no, and that gay people shouldn't be evil" y/n says doing the quotation hand jesters.

"Well, your mother doesn't know what she is talking about I've seen you do more evil things than Mal did" Uma explains.

"Yeah, but that's never going to happen" y/n says looking down.

"Don't worry y/n you still have me, Harry and Gil" Uma says hugging y/n.

"Well, I should go and watch them leave I will see you later Uma" y/n stands up and walks away looking down.

Y/n walks to the castle and climbs through her window looking at photos of her, her mom and mal and some pictures where she isn't in.

It made y/n upset that her mother cared about mal more than her. But she knows that her father would always have her back.

Y/n walks out of her room walking in where all the villains are discussing the plan of mal and the vks stealing the wand and freeing their mother and all the other villains on the Isle.

"Mother why don't I join them to watch them and make sure they do it" y/n says and all villains look at her.

"No how many times do I have to tell you w/n lesbians can't be villains and I don't want you distracting your sister "Maleficent explain not looking at y/n.

" of course, mother that's what you always say" y/n says.

Maleficent turns to y/n with anger in her face and walks towards her. Once she reaches y/n she slaps y/n which made y/n fall back holding her cheek while looking at her mother with tears in her eyes.

"You will never disrespect me get out and don't come back until you learn to respect me" Maleficent says and walks away with everyone following her.

Y/n looks at the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks thinking about what just happened. She gets up and walks back to the fish and chips, walking to Uma's room. She lays on Uma's bed looking at her hands watching them ball up. Uma walks in and sees y/n and walks toward her.

"y/n? What happened" Uma says concerned and sits next to her?

Uma grabs her chin carefully and sees a mark on her cheek and her eyes widen.

"What happened to you? "Uma asked concerned.

"She slapped me Uma she slapped me!" y/n says yelling still crying.

"What! That isn't ok y/n" Uma says getting mad.

"Uma it's ok it doesn't matter" y/n says trying to calm Uma down.

"No, it isn't she has no right you have to tell your father y/n" Uma says concerned.

"He won't help me it's Hades" y/n says looking down.

" You could still ask him" Uma says.

"No, it's ok I just won't go home for a while" y/n says.

"You can stay with me you have clothes here already" Uma says hoping y/n stays.

"Ok I will thank you Uma" y/n says smiling a little

"Your welcome y/n I would always help you" Uma says while smiling.

Y/n looks into Uma's eyes and can't control herself and kisses Uma. Uma eyes widen and eventually kisses back before y/n pulls away looking scared.

"I'm so sorry Uma I don't know what I was thinking-" y/n says worried and scared of being rejected.

"It's ok y/n I liked it and I like you" Uma explains and blushes.

"Y-you do? i-i like you to' y/n stutters while blushing.

"Really well um would you be my girlfriend y/n?n" Uma nervously says.

"Y-yes I would love to!" Y/n says excitedly.

"I promise to protect you "Uma says.

Uma and y/n kiss again without pulling away then pull away hugging each other.

Descendants Uma/y/n girlxgirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ