Chapter 2

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Y/n is in Uma bed sleeping until Harry barges into the room again waking y/n up.

" w/n Uma needs you "Harry says not looking at y/n.

"It's y/n Harry how long are you going to stay mad at me" y/n asks.

"Until you break up with Uma and go back home" Harry explains and walks out of Uma room.

Y/n sits up looking upset. Ever since Uma and y/n got together Harry has been jealous and trying to break them up so he can have Uma. But it never works.

"I wish he understand" y/n says sadly and gets up.

Y/n changes in hers and some of Uma's clothes. She loves to mix matches where she is wearing Uma clothes and her's.

"Perfect" y/n say smiling looking at the mirror and grabs her sword and walks out.

Y/n walks to the ship where Uma and her crew were talking. She climbs on the ship and jumps on Uma's back with Uma catching her.

"Hey babe you scared me" Uma says.

"Sorry babe I can't help it" y/n says smiling then look at their crew.

"Hey y/nn" Gil says smiling while fishing.

"Hey Gil, are they still bullying you" y/n asks.

"A little bit but I deserve it I called Uma shrimpy" Gil explains.

"Really Gil we talked about this it was our thing" y/n whispers to Gil.

"Excuse me? you two call me shrimpy when I'm not around?" Uma asks, glaring at Gil.

"Yes," Gil says, as and y/n says, "no."

"Ok yes we do but c'mon it's cute" y/n says trying to calm Uma down.

"Whatever" Uma says rolling her eyes.

"I love you babe" y/n says smiling.

"I love you to" Uma mumbles.

Harry glared at y/n and looks at Gil who isn't paying attention and falls into the water. Everyone started laughing while Harry helps Gil out of the water.

"Are you ok Gil" y/n asks concerned.

"Yes y/nn thanks you Harry" Gil says smiling.

"No problem, Gil be careful next time" Harry says.

"Anyways we have found a way out of the isle and y/n we need your dad's help" Uma explains.

"Why do you need my dad help" y/n asks.

" Because we need his amulet " Uma says.

" I can ask him I don't know if he'll actually give it to me"y/n explains.

"Well tomorrow we'll see for right now let's plan how we are going to do this" Uma says.

Everyone nods and starts talking about the plan. But Harry was thinking about something else. 

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