Chapter 4

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In Auradon we see Mal and the vks in the museum looking at the statue of their parents.

"Woah this is scary" Carlos says. He looks at the statue of his mother, Cruella.

"Yeah, but cool, and awesome" Jay says. He copies the statue of his father, Jafar pose.

"Come on guys, the wand is in the next room" Evie says. She makes her way into the next room.

Jay and Carlos follow her while Mal stays back and looks at her mother.

"Hey, I found the wand." Evie says walking back to Mal.

"Let's go," Evie says and walks out.

Mal looks at her mother's statue one last time and walks toward where Evie walked to.

"Here it is" Evie says while stopping in front of the case.

"Whoo!" Jay says and tries to reach for the wand.

"Jay don't!" Mal says trying to stop Jay.

But it was too late, and the sirens went off.

"A force field and a siren? " Carlos says while helping Jay up.

"That's just a little excessive," Jay says.

"Let's just get out of here" Mal says and starts running to the door with Evie and jay behind her.

Carlos runs to the phone and picks it up.

"Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chips in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus." Carlos says and hangs up the phone and runs out.

"You're welcome" Carlos said to the vks

"Great jay now we have to go to school"Mal says.

Evie and Mal head to their dorms. While Jay and Carlos head to theirs.

Time skips in the morning where the vks are sitting inside remedial goodness 101 listening to fairy godmother.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?"

Evie raises her hand.

" Evie." Fairy godmother asks.

"What was the second one?"Evie asks.

"Oh,ok.Anyone else? Mal "Fairy godmother asks Mal who is reading her spell book.

"C. Give it a Bottle "Mal says not looking up.

"Correct. Again"Fairy godmother says.

"Woah you are on fire girl "Carlos says looking at mal.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound any fun" Mal says looking up and smirking.

"Oh "Carlos says.

"That makes sense, "Evie says, going back to looking at her nail.

A girl with brown hair wearing Aruadon uniform walks in speed walking to Fairy godmother. But it cuts back to Uma and her crew on the edge of Auradon getting out of the boats.

"Man, rowing is hard" Gil says helping Uma and Y/n out the boat.

"Well at least we are here now" Uma says.

"Yeah, now we need to find the museum and the wand" Y/n says pulling out a mirror just like Evie's.

"Woah how did you get that" Gil says.

"I stole it before Evie's mother gave it to her, so I guess she gave Evie her spare"Y/n says.

"Well use it so we can find the place quick" Uma says.

"Ok ok mirror mirror in my hand show me where the wand is"Y/n says.

The mirror shows the wand in a force field.Y/n tells the mirror to give them the direction. They, see where they have to go and run towards the museum.

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