Jay Zee

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It's been 2 weeks now since Jay Jay came into my life. She's been such a happy baby. So quiet and cute. But she sometimes gets these bad tantrums that are really annoying.

Like I literally don't know what to do when she starts. And when she gets upset she becomes a big ball of tears and chubby kicking limbs.

But we got a super cute name for her though. Jay Zee. Jay for Jada and Zee for Zarah so Jay Zee. I didn’t like it at first but Nessa insisted and baby seems to like it so I guess I'll live with it.

It was also kind of difficult with Vanessa going to school and me being home alone with her. I've been skipping school for 2 weeks now and I think dad finally got tired of the calls from the school.

He called me yesterday to order me to go to school.

So here I am, preparing some snacks for my already dressed baby so I can take her to Mrs walkers down the block.

She's this really cute grandmother figure in my neighborhood. She has been really helpful ever since I moved in. She already met baby Jay and they had an immediate connection.

She agreed to take care of her while I go to school. I had only three more months of school and I'd be done with high school.

I don't know what I wanna do after but that will just have to wait. Right now I just want to concentrate on raising my healthy bubbly munchkin into a beautiful and polite young lady. With a little sass.

I finished packing jayjay's bag and I picked her out of her high chair in the kitchen. I balanced her in my right arm while holding her bag. I picked up my own bag with my left hand and grabbed my keys.

I don't know how I managed to hold my baby, her overly packed bag, my bag and lock the house as well with only two arms but I did it.

I walked to my car which was parked in the driveway. I unlocked it and opened the trunk. I loaded everything in it and closed it. I then opened the door and buckled Jay Jay into her car seat. She was babbling and talking jiberish with spittle flying everywhere. I wiped her mouth with her handkerchief and kissed her on the cheek. She squeeled in delight and reached for my necklace which had my name on it.

" You want one baby, I'll order one for you okay" she said something in response to that and I laughed at how bubbly she was today. I kissed her again and went to the driver's seat.

I pulled out of the driveway and went straight to Mrs walkers house.

She was already on her porch waiting with an eager look. I got down and unbuckled Jay Jay as Mrs walkers came towards us. As soon as I picked Zee and she saw Mrs walkers, she started reaching for her eagerly.

I smiled as I saw how eager they were for each other's company. Mrs walkers took her from my arms " oh my grand baby. I've missed you so much" she said while kissing Zee all over.

She burst into giggles while babbling at Mrs walkers. She turned to me with a smile " good morning Vega. Thank you for letting me watch her."

" I should rather thank you for watching her Mrs walkers" I said thankfully.

" oh stop it baby. I've told you to call me granny. I don't want baby Jay to be so formal with me when she grows up"

I looked at her apologetically " I'm sorry granny"

She chuckled and baby Jay also giggled. I brought out her bag and followed granny inside. I kept the bag on the kitchen counter and turned to granny who settled in her couch with baby on her lap. They seemed to be having a serious conversation even though the TV was on with a Disney cartoon playing.

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