Silly Witches

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Okay guys the story is soon gonna be finished. While I'm finishing up this story I will be revising my other story so make sure you look for it. So besides that here is the next part. BTW the picture is Osiris

Jacks POV

We sat there in the dark damp room thinking. Thinking of ways to get out of this alive. So far James hasn't come back in, but I know he was planning something. I was terrified of dying. What was worse is I was scared he was gonna take phoenix first.

"I think I've got it!" I heard Sarah screech which scared me out of thought.

I stared at her waiting for her to tell me but she just sat there.

"WELL!" I yelled.

"oh yea. okay so I think we should call upon Osiris , god of the dead, since James is a vampire he is theoretically dead so maybe Osiris can control him.

"Okay...well how do we call him?" I asked her confused as fuck.

"well we need a dead body for him to take over." she said biting her lip.

Almost instantly we looked at phoenix who was staring into space biting her nail when he looked up.

"what?" he asked looking at us.

"Its either that or we all die in here.." Sarah said staring at him.

"Fine." he grumbled.

"Okay take your shirt off." Sarah said snapping.

He did as told and striped. I watched and stared at his pale abs that I so missed.

"okay now lay down." Sarah said biting her nail.

He laid down and stared at us.

"Okay now we need some blood. phoenix bite our fingers." she said sticking her finger near him.

He then gently nipped our index fingers.

"Okay now we need to draw a pentagram on his chest."

We drew one with our bleeding finger and held hands.

"GREAT GOD OSIRIS WE CALL THEE WE SUMMON THEE." we kept chanting then all the sudden Phoenix rose and his eyes were pitch black and his voice so deep it scared me.

" I AM THE GOD OSIRIS GOD OF DEATH AND AFTER LIFE. WHO DARES CALL UPON ME!" he yelled causing me to jump and shake.

Sarah carefully spoke.

"me sir we have summoned you. See this boy and his boyfriend, whose body you are in
, are trapped by the boyfriends cousin. He is a vampire and we were hoping you could stop him since he is technically dead."


"Well you are a god." I stuttered.

"I can only help when you cannot fend for yourself but there is a way out of this. Do not summon me again or I will plague you with death." Osiris said.

With that Phoenix's body fell to the ground. slowly he sat up and his eyes were back to normal.

"well did he help?" phoenix asked.

I sat there and just cried and Sarah shook her head.

"so what now..." phoenix asked.

all the sudden the door opened and in stormed James who grabbed me and pulled me.

I started screaming and Sarah and Phoenix tried grabbing me but were chained.

" Its time." James said dragging me out of the room. Then it was all dark.

sorry it's short but trust me I'll try and pick up the pace anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll be back soon

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