
5.5K 74 5

Gilinsky: Chris doesn't throw tantrums much, but if he does, it's in the car.
Jack had just picked up Chris from the babysitter and was now driving home. Unfortunately, there was a car accident and Jack got stuck in horrible traffic.
"Daddy hungwy." Chris said from his car seat.
"I know buddy. We're almost home." Jack said.
10 minutes later, they moved about an inch.
"Daddy!" Chris whined.
"I know you're hungry. You're gonna have to wait." Jack said.
All of a sudden, Chris snapped. He started kicking, screaming, and crying.
"C'mon buddy don't be like this." Jack said, getting annoyed.
Chris kept kicking Jack's seat and screaming.
"If you don't stop crying, you won't get dessert tonight and you'll go to be early." Jack said.
Chris was silent. He calmed down and was quiet. Traffic cleared up and Jack rushed home before another meltdown.

Sammy: Leah, usually, only throws tantrums when separated from Sammy.
Sammy had to go to the studio with Nate, so he had Cam (Dallas) watch Leah for the day. She loves Cam and loves to play with him. The problem is Sammy is hardly ever away from Leah, so she hates it when he leaves her.
"Alright baby girl. Daddy has to go to work now. Can you be a good girl from Uncle Cam?" Sammy asked, kneeling down to Leah.
She nodded and smiled.
Sammy kissed her head and started to leave. Leah's smile was wiped away when she figured out he was leaving without her.
When Sammy closed the door, Leah's lip began to quiver and her eyes filled with tears.
"Daddy!" she cried, running to the door and banging in it.
"Shh. It's okay Leah. Daddy will be back soon." Cam said, picking her up.
She began to kick and scream.
"Me want Daddy!" She cried.
Cam started to panic. He wasn't quite sure what to do. Then he got an idea.
"I'll show you Daddy." he said.
He sat down on the couch with Leah in his lap and pulled out his phone. He played the music video "Nothin To A King."
Leah's face lit up as said as she saw Sammy.
"Dat's Daddy." she said, pointing to him.
When the video ended, Leah was calm.
"We play now?" She asked.
"Of course." Cam said.
She giggled and took off towards the play room.

Johnson: Seth throws the worst tantrums. It usually happens when he doesn't get what he wants.
Seth was watching Little Einsteins while Jack was cleaning up the kitchen. Jack tried not to let Seth watch too much TV. The pediatrician said only 1 hour of TV a day.
Seth just finished his second episode, so Jack went to turn off the TV.
"No more TV buddy. Time to do something else." Jack said, pressing the Power button on the remote.
This made Seth mad.
"Me want TV!" he yelled, kicking and screaming.
"You've watched enough TV. Why don't we play with your blocks?" Jack asked, pulling out Seth's building blocks.
Seth picked one up and threw it, almost hitting Jack in the head.
"Hey! We don't throw." Jack said.
"No play! Me want TV!" Seth said, stomping his feet on the ground.
"I think you need a time out." Jack said, picking Seth up and walking up the stairs.
Seth just got angrier and started pounding his little fists on Jack's back. Jack walked into Seth's room and put him in his bed.
"You can come out when you're ready to say sorry." Jack said.
He closed the door and waited outside. He could hear Seth crying through the door.
2 minutes later, the crying stopped.
"Are you ready to be a good boy?" Jack asked.
"Yes Daddy. I sowy." Seth said.
Jack opened the door to see a sniffling Seth, wiping his tears away with his hands.
"Can I have a hug?" Jack asked.
Seth nodded and ran into his arms. Jack smiled and took him back downstairs to play.

Nate: Natalie throws the least amount of tantrums, but she gets cranky when she's tired.
Natalie was watching Team Umizoomi on the couch while Nate cleaned up the kitchen from lunch. When he finished, he checked his phone. 1pm, which means naptime.
"Naptime princess." Nate said, turning off the TV.
Natalie was very tired, but she always fights it.
"No nap! Me no tired!!" She yelled.
"Yes you are. I can tell." Nate said, picking her up.
"No nap! No nap! No nap!" she cried, kicking and pounding on Nate with her little fists.
"You need a nap or you'll be grumpy the whole day." Nate said, carrying her into her room.
"Me no gwumpy. No need nap." She screamed.
Nate ignored her screaming and changed her into her nap clothes, which was a t-shirt and her pull-up.
"You're very tired. You need a nap." Nate said, setting her in her bed.
"No...nap..." she said in between yawns.
Within seconds, she was asleep.

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