He Accidently Hurts/Hits Them

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Gilinsky: Jack was very stressed about music and everything he had to do. He wasn't in a very good mood when he picked up Chris from daycare.
"Daddy, can I half a snack?" Chris asked, walking into the kitchen were Jack was typing on his laptop.
"Not now." Jack said, irritated.
"But Daddy, I hungy..." Chris said, holding his tummy.
"I said not now!" Jack said, getting louder.
Chris started whining, which Jack hates, especially when he's mad.
"You want a snack?! Here?!" Jack yelled, standing up and throwing a pack of cookies behind him, not caring where they landed.
He heard crying and quickly turned around. The pack nailed Chris in the face, knocking him onto the floor.
Jack immediately felt guilty.
Chris looked scared...scared of Jack...
"Buddy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Daddy's just have a very bad day. I never want to hurt you." Jack quickly said, picking him up.
"I sowy Daddy. I don't wanna make you mad." He sniffed, hiding his face in his neck.
"Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. Daddy should never have thrown something at you." Jack said, rubbing his back.
"It okay Daddy. I forgif you." He said, making Jack smile.
Jack gave Chris a snack and everything was fine. Jack made sure never to hit Chris again.
Sammy: Leah had been begging Sammy to teach her how to ride a penny board, and he agreed. He bought her a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.
After daycare, he would help her in the driveway.
"Daddy, don't wet go." Leah said, clutching to his hand as she tried to balance on the board.
"You're doing great pumpkin." Sammy said as she kept lightly pushing off.
He thought she could balance on her own, so he let go.
Leah wasn't expecting it, so she fell back, landing on her arm. She started crying, holding her wrist.
"Aww baby are you okay?" Sammy asked, picking her up.
She shook her head, crying in pain. He rushed her into the car and drove to the hospital.
"I'm sorry pumpkin. I shouldn't have let go till you were ready." Sammy said as he carried her in.
"Is okay." She sniffled.
About 2 hours later, after an x-ray, Leah came out with a light pink cast on her broken wrist.
Sammy made it up to her with ice cream.
Johnson: Jack was cleaning the kitchen and told Seth to go play upstairs.
It was quiet the whole time Jack cleaned, and he hadn't heard Seth at all. He decided to go upstairs and check on him.
As he walked up the stairs, he heard some crashes, like something was falling.
He quickly ran to where the sound was coming from, Jack's room. As soon as he looked inside, his body filled with anger.
Seth magaged to get into Jack's room and destroy it. Clothed were everywhere, expensive stuff on the floor, and marker all over the wall.
"SETH EDWARD JOHNSON!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!" Jack yelled, startling Seth who was drawing on the wall.
"Daddy wook! I made a pwetty picture!" Seth said.
"No you didn't! You destroyed my room! You know not to touch my stuff!" Jack yelled.
Not thinking, Jack grabbed Seth's arm and dragged him to his room, not caring how hard he was squeezing.
He put Seth in his bed and slammed the door. Seth immediately started screaming.
Apparently Seth ran from his bed after Jack, but when he slammed the door, he smashed Seth's fingers.
Jack swung open the door and saw a screaming Seth.
"Aww buddy I am so sorry." Jack said, picking him up.
He took him to the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack. He wrapped it in a paper towel and held it to Seth's fingers, which were super red.
"I didn't mean to do that, but you know not to touch Daddy's stuff. Or draw on the walls." Jack said.
"I know. I'm sowy Daddy." Seth said.
Once his fingers felt better, Seth helped Jack clean up his room.
Nate: Nate has very stressed lately. Between studio time, taking care of Natalie, and other stuff, he hasn't gotten much sleep which makes him very grumpy.
Natalie was sick, which didn't make his stress any better. She had a cold and was very congested. Not to mention, just as cranky as her Daddy.
"Daddy!" Natalie whined.
Nate groaned, trudging back up the stairs.
"What?" He said, annoyed.
"I want food!" She said.
He groaned and walked out, going back into the kitchen. Natalie got out of bed and followed, popping her pacifier in her mouth.
Nate was going to heat up leftover soup, and grabbed a pot out of the cupboard. He didn't notice Natalie was up, and as he turned around, rammned the pot into her face.
She started crying, falling onto her butt.
"I'm sorry princess. I didn't see you there." Nate said, quickly picking her up and checking her face.
She had a bloody nose, so he rushed into the bathroom and started cleaning it up.
"I don't wike it when you're mad." Natalie said, sniffling.
"I know. I'm sorry baby girl. I'll try not to be mad anymore." Nate said, kissing her forehead.
She smiled and they hugged.

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