First Curse Word

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Gilinsky: Fuck
Jack was in the backyard with Chris, kicking around a rubber ball. Jack was able to kick the ball really high, so Chris wanted to try it too.
He kicked the ball, and shockingly, it went over the fence.
"Fuck!" Chris said, angry the ball was gone.
"Hey, we don't say words like that." Jack said, shocked a word like that had come out of his son's mouth.
"Sowy Daddy." Chris said.
Jack went next door and got the ball back.
Sam: Bitch
Sam had taken Leah to the park to play, but Leah had a little encounter with a very mean girl.
Leah wanted to go down the slide, but before she could sit down, a girl around her age pushed her out of the way.
"My slide! You're too icky to play on it." She yelled in Leah's face.
Leah doesn't like being mean, but this girl made her mad.
"You're a bitch!" She yelled, loud enough for the whole playground to hear.
"Hey, hey. We don't say words like that." Sam said, picking Leah up.
"Hey, why don't you control your child's mouth?"
Sam looked up and saw the mother of the mean girl.
"Why don't you control your child's actions? She just pushed my little girl when she did nothing wrong. Try being a good mother and watching your child." Sam said.
Before the mother could respond, Sam turned around and walked away.
Johnson: Asshole
Jack and Chris had come over to play in pool, so Jack and Jack put the kids in their swim shorts.
The kids were in the shallow end, having fun, when Jack's uptight neighbor popped his head over the fence.
"Hey Johnson, keep your kids quiet. I'm trying to get a little work down." He said rudely.
Johnson didn't pay attention.
"Sowy, but my Daddy said you're an asshole and he doesn't like twaking (Talking) to you." Seth said.
Jack and Jack froze, looked at each other, and burst out laughing.
The neighbor looked mad, but he just went away.
Nate: Cum
Nate had invited everyone over for dinner, and Natalie decided to ask a very interesting question.
"Daddy?" She asked.
"Yes baby girl?" Nate said, taking a sip of his Coke.
"What's cum?" She asked.
Sam, Gilinsky, and Johnson burst out laughing as Nate nearly spit out his soda. The other kids were confused.
"Yeah Nate, what's cum?" Sam asked, trying not to die of laughter.
"Uh...Well...Cum is when you eat a lot of candy?" Nate said, trying to think of a random answer.
"Ooo! I wanna cum!" Natalie said with an innocent smile.
"Me too!" Seth, Leah, and Chris said.
Nate and everyone else couldn't help but laugh.
Hey guys! Sorry for the short, shitty update. I don't have many more ideas but hopefully I'll get some soon!

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