Pixane PM

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Pixal- Hello Zane!
Zane- Greetings pixal!
Pixal- Do you want to come with me to borg tower?
Zane- I would be honored! At what time do you prefer we go?
Pixal- Maybe in the evening or night like is 8pm good?
Zane- perfect! After that we can go out to eat
Pixal- As they say! It's a date!
Zane- I don't want to leave you though
Pixal- I didn't say I was leaving!
Zane- Good! You are vital to me ❤️
Pixal- Zane, you are vital to me ❤️!
Zane- What are you doing today? Besides our date
Pixal- I am not doing much, just repairing the mechs in need and providing assistance to Master Wu
Zane- That's nice!
Pixal- what are you up to love?
Zane- I am currently training, but I will soon help Nya and Jay with mending the scanners! Kai burned them after they didn't work! He said technology is a curse, typical Kai hahaha!
Pixal- That is hilarious! I wish you luck on that task Zane!
Zane- as I you! How is all the mini pix bots doing? Also known as our "children"
Pixal- *giggles irl* Zane! We aren't even married!
Zane-  well then that can be arranged!
Pixal- are you asking me to be your Yang?!
Zane- Pixal Borg, you not only complete my heart but you make my whole life complete! I can not survive without you! So I would be delighted if you would be my Yang!
Zane- Wait, you knew?
Pixal- me and the girls were discussing it! I didn't think you would ask over text though!
Zane- Me neither! It just happened!
Zane- well how about we push aside what we were doing previously! I would love to see your gorgeous face!
Pixal- I would like that!

Honestly, I didn't even know I was going to do that! But yes, pixal and zane are engaged! YYAYAY!! Also it was so hard for me to type like that! Like without all the abbreviations! Or emojis! The only emoji I used was a red heart! That's just how I head cannon them to text! Even tho I forget it 😂! This was adorable!! Zane made the Yin Yang promise smoother than jay did in this book!

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