Truth or dare;The second part (DARES)

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Btw Ik I said i would update yesterday... buuuttt this chapter was so long I couldn't finish!

The creator- Ok I'm abbreviating my name to TC it's shorter!
TC- ok, let's start! WAKE UP IDIOOOTTTSSS!!! *bangs steel stuff*
Cole- 😩 nuuuuuu
Kai- 😴 hairgel...
Lloyd- 🤤 caaaanndyyyy
Jay- *wakes up*
Nya- *puts head under pillow*
Jay- *slaps everyone with a pillow*
Nya- JAY WTH!?
Cole- I wanna sleep
TC- y'all know what time it is
Zane- *coming out of pixals room* truth or dare?
Lloyd- wooahhh buddy hold it. Why u coming out of pixals room 😏
Kai- YEAH!? what ent down last night 😏
Jay- did u make ur move?!
Cole- oooo I need to know
TC- ME TOO!! What I love PIXANE?
Nya- yeah spill the tea sister!
Zane- I am a male? And I have just woken up. I wanted to see if pixal has awoken.
Cole- yeah. Bet that's what all nindroids say
Zane- if you are implying that me and pixal-
Nya- yeah we don't wanna know anymore.
Lloyd- I do!
Everyone else- shut up Lloyd!
TC- ok another day, more torturing for y'all! Zane, since we think u r lying ur starting! Our fist dare is from @loopygoog and they dare Zane to dress up as Elsa until the end of the chapter 😏
Kai- wait, does he need to sing let it go?
Zane- I have already done that! Why do you all assume I have Romantic feelings for Elsa!
Nya- it's not assuming! You literally told us!
Zane- I uh- never mind
TC- to answer ur question Zane's right he's already done that, and I think dressing up as Elsa for the rest of the chapter would be just as humiliating, I'll give him the clothes, Lloyd, shoes Cole and Nya, makeup and Kai hair, jay jewelry? Idk what do give u
Everyone except Zane- yes ma'am
Jay- that's easy pfttt!
Zane- oh first spinjitzu master...
Zane- 😡 😑 😒 *in an Elsa costume with blonde wig and overdone duck face makeup*
Everyone except zane- *dies in laughter*
2hrs later
Everyone except zane- *dies in laughter*
Zane- *face looks like a kid when they get socks for christmas*
TC- *wheeze* ok, r we done?
Everyone- *wheeze yes
Zane- FINALLY get me out of this
Cole- uh uh uh! Ur staying there until the end of this,
Kai- hahahaha!!
TC- ok guys so that was fun! Thanks @loopygoog !
Everyone- THANKS SO MUCH!!
Zane- thank you? I don't have a clue...
TC- or next dares will be from @googsisters2 ooo Cole and Lloyd it's for y'all!
Cole- oh no... is it romantic?
Lloyd- I hope not!
TC- no,y'all just have gardening work to do! Hmm would y'all like to plant some moss 😜
Cole and Lloyd- look at each other and shrug
Everyone else- 🤭
Cole- huh what's so bad in this?
Lloyd- idk, we're just planting moss....?
TC- done?
Lloyd- yeah? This was a weird dare...
Cole- I'm bamboozled?
Lloyd- yeah me too?
TC- how did u idiots not get it! Moss! You planted MOSS! U planted ur ship!
Cole and Lloyd- oohhhh... OH!! AHH 😱!
Cole- DESTROY THE PLANTS!! *grabs shovel*
TC- oh no u don't! *makes shovel disappear *
Lloyd- noooo! We're stuck with this painful reminder
TC- not so sure about "painful"
Zane- I HOPE SO!!
Jay- me toooo!
Nya- it so was!
Cole and Lloyd- I hope not 🤞
TC- well, we'll see! Our next dare from the same person is hilarious! You guys are going to get 2 spoons of substances each! Put a blindfold and nose plug on and taste them!
Nya's that sounds fun!
Zane- and particularly dangerous
Jay- and scary 🫣
Cole- well that's why my last name is dangerbuff!
Kai- ur last name is brookestone 🤦‍♀️
Cole- wtv
Lloyd- sounds fun!
TC- has it ever occurred to y'all that I didn't ask for ur opinions about the game? Like it or not y'all are going to do it regardless
Kai- damn! Fine ig!
TC- good! Here are the nose plugs and blindfolds
Cole- ooo..
Jay- my voice sounds so cool with these nose plugs
Lloyd- jay... it just sounds like ur sick..
Jay- aww man!
TC- here are the spoons
Zane- with blindfold* ok
TC- I'm supposed to feed y'all! Oof Ok, nya ur first! 1 or 2
Nya- two?
TC- k, here  *awkwardly feeds*
Nya- *gulp* hmm mm! That's so good! It's-
TC- shh! Don't tell them!
Nya- oh, kk
TC- ok Kai, 1 or two
Kai- 1
TC- 😏 here *awkwardly feeds*
TC- go to the bathroom! Nobody wants to see that!
Kai- *goes to the bathroom*
Jay- oof 😥 what if I get something bad?
TC- ur turn jay! 1 or two?
Jay- two!
Jay- *eats* MFFH!? *clutches mouth* I KNKW WHAT IT IS!!
Jay- imma be sick.. *rushes to the bathroom*
TC- coolleee... ur turn! 1 or 2?
Cole- uhh.. 2..?
TC- here u goooo
Cole- Oohhh Thats sooo good! I could eat this!
TC- ohh zaannee your turn!
Zane- 1.
TC- confident huh?
Zane- affirmative
TC- feeds
Zane- mmm. I have turned my taste sensors off, switching on.
Zane- it is Cho-
TC- SHUT UP ZANE!! There's one more child to go..
Lloyd- oh god.., do I have too?
TC- yes sir! 1 or 2?
Lloyd- uhh 1
TC- you asked for it... *feeds*
Lloyd- EWWW!! ITS POOP!?
Nya, Cole Zane- EWWW!! That's unlucky..
Lloyd- gotta go! *runs to bathroom*
Kai and jay come out
Zane- chocolate.. I suppose we are lucky
Cole- oh yeah! Uh huh! Let's go! I slay!
TC- actually, here's the worst nya, Cole Zane, you guys got chocolate flavored poop, Lloyd Kai and jay got poop flavored chocolate
Nya- gulp I can't even barf...
Cole- w-what!? AHHHH!! I CANT BARF THIS OUT!!
Lloyd- runs out of bathroom* I heard it all! You are evil!
TC- ikr?! Ok y'all can pillow fight me at the end.. not now! Next dare! I really like this one, don't get me wrong, but it's lolipop spin the bottle, I will make that into a separate chapter because it's just that amazing! Sorry @googsisters2 I hope this could work out? But we're moving on from that one, uh this will be amazingly funny! K, y'all gotta dress up in maid outfits and twerk! And the best part? On livestream!
Everyone- NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Nya- that's so weird!
Cole- yeah!
TC- well y'all gotta do it! I'll get the popcorn y'all wear ur maid outfits
Everyone- fiiinnneeee
Lloyd- only cuz it's a dare!
Everyone- yeah!
*they change into maid outfits *
Everyone- UGHHHHHHH!!!
TC- ok! Pixal, fire the livestream
Pixal- *blush at zane* o-ok
Pixal-starting in 3...2...1!
Everyone- *violently blushing and awkward twerking at first but then the boys twerk (besides zane) and moan comfortably, Nya and zane are awkwardly doing it still*
TC- *gathers Skylor, and pixal*
Skylor- You go hot tamale! Pop it nya!
Pixal- utter confusion
Nya- 🫣😖 f-fine! *does it comfortably*
The people watching it- *swoon* or * uhhhh* 🤤🤤😩😩🫣🥰🥴🥴
TC- ok livestream is ending in 3...2...1! That was hilarious!!
The ninja- never again 😳
Tc- no promises!
Skylor- damn Kai, maid outfit?
Kai- enjoyed the show? Maybe that can be our thing
Skylor- earn it hottie 😉 *walks away*
Kai- 😌 🥴🥴🥴🥴
Cole- oh my lord! That might have been embarrassing at first but after? It was fun!
Lloyd- 😳 speak for ur self!
Nya- e Hehe uhhh no! That was weird!
Zane- I have to agree.. it was... something
Jay- *still doing it*
Cole- jay u know u can stop now right?
Jay- I can't! I'm stuck!
The rest of the ninja- oh god.. *helps him*
Kai- watches from the side and laughs
Nya- *smacks him on the face
Kai- owie! Fine!
TC- I'm still dying of laughing! That was too good! Ok next dare! Cole you have to dress up in a furry suit!
Cole- come on! Isn't maid enough?
TC- nope! The rest of y'all change normally! I'm blushing to much rn!
Kai- haha
Cole- *comes out in a furry suit* there? Happy?
Tc- oh we're not done yet. Cole stand still. Lloyd r u a furry?
Lloyd- maybe? Ok fine a little bit,...
TC- ok, good enough! Now for the spicy stuff, do u like Cole in a fursuit?
Lloyd- n-no!
TC- ur blushing pretty hard u sure?
Lloyd- ok fine! I think it's f-funny?
TC- and...?
Lloyd- a little cute? 🫣
Cole- u think I'm cute greenie 😏?
Lloyd- oh be quiet!
Jay- aww! Lloyd has a crush! Lloyd has a crush!
Jay- and it's Cole! And it's Cole!
Nya- yay! Moss!
Zane- wow Cole, you are funny in a fursuit
Lloyd- shatup! I mean not like that! As in like baby animal kinda cute!
Cole- uhhhh?
Lloyd- ok nvm! Just everyone forget that!
TC- I don't think so! *pulls out recording* this is going in the album!
Cole and Lloyd- NO IT ISNT!!
TC- chase me after! Ok now moving to dares from @IDRKALR! First obviously we have a moss kiss! Lloyd you have to kiss Cole!
Lloyd- 😔 at this point, idrc 😂 I've done it to many times cuz y'all make me! And-
Kai- pushes Lloyd into Cole* there finally!
Nya, jay,kai,zane- MOSS! MOSS!MOSS!MOSS!MOSS!
Cole and Lloyd- kiss for a split second, then pull apart
Cole- omg! Whyyyy!
Lloyd- 😩 I hope that was the last time we do that!
TC- Idrk about that! But these dares are on fire!
Kai- FIRE!!
TC- not like that kai, the next dare, welcoming Skylor!
Skylor- hey again! What do I get to do now...?
TC- something fun! You get to burn Kai's hairgel!
Skylor- ooohhh! I like that!
Nya and Lloyd- we'll get the trucks
Kai- 7byayuaygusgvsutvsutvs!!!
Zane- Kai, that is not a word, but I assume you are angry?
Lloyd and Nya- we're back with the trucks!
Skylor- this should be fun!
Kai- u don't have my powers hahah!
Skylor- I do have a lighter
Kai- s***!
Everyone except Kai- 3...2...1!
Skylor- *throws lighter on gel and smirks*
The gel- TELL OUR STORY!!!
Kai- NOOOOOOOObiurecybaiaercuybaiceruybeifruy!!!!,
Everyone else- YEAHHHHHHH!!!
Kai- my-my hairgel! Nooo! I will avenge you Bob! And you Hairy! And joe and-
Nya- drama queen!
Kai- oh shut up nya! *crosses arms like and angry kid*
TC- good luck getting all that gel back! Ur hair will be flat for a while! Ok Skylor thanks for coming!
Kai- its already getting flat! Oh and skylor, your gonna face consequences
Skylor- oh really?
Kai- you'll see 😏 😉
Skylor- as soon as you become threatening, I'll be dead. Bye y'all!
TC- I almost feel sorry for u! Ok for the next one, imma whisper to nya
TC- whispers to nya
Nya- ok! *runs*
Jay- where's she going?
TC- she'll be back in a few hours 😏
*a few hours later*
The boys- playing video games
Nya- g-guys... I have news..
Kai- pauses game* oh nya? Ur back! Where'd u go!
Nya- I-I went to the pharmacy..
Jay- 😱 are u ok nya?!
Nya's 😞 the thing is.. I'm pregnant.. jay ur the father...
Everyone- WHAT!?
Jay- what!? We used condoms tho-
Jay- ahhh!
Cole- OMG!! Did u just find out nya?
Lloyd- we're gonna be uncles!
Zane- EVERYBODY! Relax! My is not pregnant, I have checked her vitals and it's all fine
Nya- HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!! It's a fake test! It was a dare! And a great one too!
Kai- I had a heart attack! How would mom and dad react?
Nya- better than u did!
LLOY- so We're not uncles 😢
Cole- aww man!
TC- ok guys, sadly that's all we have time for! Let's say thanks for the requesters!
Everyone- thanks for requesting!
TC- and that's it!

Ok guys! I hope y'all liked the dares! It took me two days to write but here it is! I'm sorry if I didn't do ur request, I didn't really have to much time! But as for the lolipop spin the bottle, tan will be done in another chapter! Thank you all so much for requesting and I hope that lived up to all your expectations! Thank you too @googsisters2 @loopygoog and @IDRKALR for requesting! I really liked this one! Comment ur thoughts and I'll see y'all in the next chapter peace 😉!
Word count- 2100 words

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