The Realms - Part 1

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    A few days after Thomas's confrontation with Lapis Lazuli, the stately form of a shayen flying ship appear in the sky above Lexandria University

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   A few days after Thomas's confrontation with Lapis Lazuli, the stately form of a shayen flying ship appear in the sky above Lexandria University. Apprentices leaned out of windows to stare at it, and those not in classes rushed outdoors to stare up into the sky, their faces radiant with wonder.

     A small group of proctors strolled with stately dignity into graduation field to catch the ropes it was dropping, and they walked below the still moving ship as its crewmen began furling its sails and winding in its masts in preparation for a landing. The ship's momentum continued to carry it forward for a few dozen more yards, but then it came softly to a halt and began to drop, slowly and carefully.

     "It's the Hummingbird!" cried Thomas excitedly as he and Lirenna followed the crowd towards where the flat hulled scout ship was settling gently to the ground. "The old Hummingbird! Never thought I'd see her again!"

     "What's it doing here?" asked the demi shae. "I didn't know it was still in service."

     "It's not, not really. It's a training ship, used to train new Jules Verne crewmembers." He squinted his eyes, trying to make out the tiny figures scurrying about on its deck. "Those are humans, aren't they?"

     "Yes," agreed Lirenna, "and one of them's your friend Ihvon. Maybe it's come to take us to the Ruby Keep."

     "Yes, that must be it," agreed Thomas as the proctors hammered anchoring pegs into the grass and tied the guy ropes to them, securing the ship safely to the ground.

     Soon afterwards, the crowd parted to make way for a group of senior wizards, led by Saturn. A door was opened in the railing and a rope ladder lowered, up which the senior wizard climbed to stand on the deck and greet the ship's Captain.

     "Typical of him not to tell me," grumbled Thomas. "I thought we were going by carpet."

     "It'll be a lot more comfortable by ship," said Lirenna, smiling at the thought. "We'll be able to travel in style, which is no doubt why Saturn arranged it. I wonder if he'll be putting his tent up on the deck again?"

     "He won't be sharing a cramped barrack room with the rest of us, that's for sure."

     As it happened, though, neither they nor Saturn were to travel on the ship. No sooner was the Hummingbird safely secured on the ground than a group of fifth year apprentices appeared, pushing a large cabinet towards it, guiding its progress as it hovered a couple of feet above the ground under the influence of a Levitation spell.

     "That looks like a teleportation cubicle," said Thomas in astonishment. "But it's so small! Just barely big enough for one man to fit inside."

     "That's as big as it needs to be," pointed out Lirenna. "Why waste effort teleporting empty air? They're going to do the same thing they did with the Jules Verne. Fly the ship there with a skeleton crew, then send everyone else through the cubicle when it arrives. Wonder why no-one ever thought of it before?"

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