The Resolution - Part 1

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    The sepulchre of Theron Wardok revealed the terrible truth

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   The sepulchre of Theron Wardok revealed the terrible truth. Lord Opal's soul was gone, devoured by the gaxul, and all that was left was an empty shell. Alive, but with no more intelligence than a vegetable. They later discovered that some part of his soul had managed to flee back to his soul gem, back in the Realm of Opal, but it wasn't enough to support a human personality. Lan Del-Tora was gone. There wasn't even enough left to graft onto the living soul of a human host, as had been done with Lord Sapphire.

     "Well, it's what he wanted," said Lord Ruby to the conference gathered to discuss the situation. "He's finally got the peace he wanted. I think he would have given himself willingly to the gaxul, if he'd known it was capable of destroying him."

     "And you have the comfort of knowing that an escape exists for you as well, if the time comes when you finally tire of life," said the Director.

     Barl smiled. "If it's all the same to you, I think I'll go to the Shipbuilder universe and do it the easy way. There's still Alustra and Enna Mael, of course. Ladies Pearl and Diamond. Do you still agree to transport them aboard the Jules Verne, if they're willing?"

     Natan Crowley glanced at the other faces gathered around the table and saw them nodding slightly. "We do," he said. "Will there be any trouble getting word to them? I presume you'll have to visit them in their realms."

     "Yes, but that's no problem. I'll be leaving my soul gem somewhere safe. If they try to detain me all I have to do is end the life of the body I'm wearing."

     The reminder of his undead nature caused come uncomfortable shuffling around the table, but no-one spoke up. Strange times we live in, thought Natan Crowley with an inner smile of amusement. University wizards sitting down in conference with raks. Old Tragius Demonbinder would have approved, but I wonder what Justarian Westin would have thought of it?

     "This plan to seal off the umbilici," said Lord Ruby, looking at Saturn. "I presume it'll be called off now? Now that you know you can destroy us with gaxuls?"

     Saturn looked doubtful, however. "There remains your knowledge of the secret of immortality," he said. "If you were to reveal it to a Tharian wizard, even to us, chaos might ensue. We went through that crisis once before. I have no wish to subject my world to it again."

     "Suppose I gave my word never to reveal that knowledge."

     "Would you keep that word? And could you persuade the other gem raks to make similar vows?"

     "They could swear in the names of the Gods," suggested Valeron Hort. "Would even a Gem Lord risk angering the Gods by breaking a vow spoken in Their name?"

     "I am prepared to make such a vow," said Lord Ruby, "and I think I can vouch for the others as well. We need the umbilici left open if we're to deploy the star dragons and stop Derro from exploding."

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