Chpt. 1 - Training is Family Bonding -

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Izuku quickly pulled his arms up, blocking the punch. Then swiftly pulled away, hopping to the side as he eyed his brother, "Why do have to hit so hard, damn Tenko what did I do?" 
Tenko rolled his eyes with a smirk, "You say that like it actually hurt."

Izuku stuck his tongue out with a frown, dodging a swift kick before moving back in with a jab. Unfortunately, his arm was grabbed by Tenko, who swung him around. Izuku rolled to avoid falling completely as his brother let him go. Spinning around after getting up, only to have his feet swept out from under him from behind. Tenko had him pinned with his arms held behind his back. Izuku squirmed under his grip, before huffing and tapping his brother's hand awkwardly. 

Hisashi clapped before moving from where he had been watching, "That's 3 wins to 2, Tenko's game this time, but you've both been doing great!" 
Izuku rubbed his wrists as he stood back up, "I'll take it. I mean, he's got 6 more years of experience than me?" He laughed as Tenko patted him on the shoulder, "Someday you will be on the same level as me Izu, someday.."

Their father shook his head as his boys argued playfully, "Well for what counts, you've got just as much potential Izuku, you just need the... experience to back it up." Izuku nodded as he swatted away Tenko's gloved hand. He had practically mastered his quirk, Telekinesis, as well he could work Quirk Manipulation pretty well. But Hisashi was wary of others finding out about his second quirk, so he didn't use it much. Still, both Hisashi and Tenko believed Izuku should be well-versed in more traditional fighting methods. And he enjoyed freestyle hand-to-hand, but that didn't exactly make it easier for Izuku to lose to Tenko when he could easily win with his quirks. 

"Well, I guess I've got to gain 6 years of experience in a month!" Izuku said as he pumped his fist. Hisashi enjoyed his youngest's enthusiasm, but it still made him feel a little sad. How ironic for the son of the number 1 villain to aim to be the number 1 hero. 

"You're set on getting into UA, aren't you Izuku?" All For One said quietly. Izuku nodded with a determined grin, "Yep, childhood dream and all." Tenko punched him lightly in the arm, "You better, because this is a competition. If the next number 1 isn't you, I will turn your hero action figures to dust,"
Izuku gasped. "You wouldn't dare!" he shouted as he tackled Tenko to the ground. Because he definitely would dare, Tenko hated the action figures. All for One, or Hisashi, laughed at their antics. Unlike Izuku, Tenko was following in his father's footsteps. Training to become his successor and the world's greatest villain.

Even with that in mind, they both supported Izuku's plan to be a hero. He was too kind-hearted to make a good villain anyway, he took after his mother, Inko. The only evidence of his relation to AFO is the white streaks in his fluffy green hair, and his right eye, bright red, that contrasted with the left one, bright green. Unless you counted their father-son relationship, which was obviously evidence. Though the only people who knew All for One was Hisashi Midoriya happened to be the Midoriya family itself, along with the Doctor and a man of mist known as Kurogiri. 

Hisashi carefully pulled Tenko and Izuku, who had been wrestling on the training mat as they insulted each other, apart. He took Izuku by the shoulders, "Remember, we support you fully, but if you ever change your mind or it doesn't work out, we're here for you. You're always welcome here and in the shadows, hero or villain."

Izuku hugged his much-loved father, and Tenko joined them. It was a perfectly wholesome moment before Tenko ruined it,
"When you're number 1, won't we have to have an epic battle, like bosses in a video game? I don't  think Mom would let us do that..."
"We could just not tell her...?"
"Izuku!" Hisashi yelled, surprised, "You should never lie to your mother!"

"Lie to me about what?" Inko asked as she walked into the room with perfect timing. She watched her children carefully as Hisashi slowly moved away from them. He loved them, but not enough to get in Inko's way. Izuku was the first to crack under his mother's suddenly scrutinizing gaze. 
"Tenko was the one who di-" 
He was promptly cut off as his brother covered his mouth with a gloved hand, "Nothing! We would never dream of keeping anything from you!" 
By then, Hisashi had made his way to Inko's side, and he nodded along with this statement, his own fluffy white hair bobbing with him. 
"Of course, darling! Why would we?"
Inko rested her hands on her hips, muttering under her breath with a faint smile, "You three are ridiculous..."

Her fluffy-green youngest son, however, was restraining the urge to throw his brother across the gym with his telekinesis, or on a less extreme level, simply bite his hand. Tenko still had his glove on his face, as if Izuku would shout "Tenko turned the neighbor's Pomeranian to dust yesterday!" the moment his hand was removed. And Tenko did turn the neighbor's Pomeranian to dust on accident, but that didn't mean he was going to actually tell his parents that! So he could at least remove his hand before Izuku threw him through the ceiling!

Lucky for Tenko, Inko left them to continue training before he could. Izuku won the next round against Tenko, laughing at his brother, who was unaware of the petty cause of Izuku's determination.
"How did I lose three times in a row?" Tenko mumbled, running a hand through his light blue hair, "Were you using cheat codes or something Izu?"

"You could say that," Izuku said, "But you see, I happen to be a specific species of human called a sinnamon roll, S-I-N-namon roll. An innocent-looking child who is actually a teenage gremlin on the inside!" 

Tenko was confused, "The f*ck is that you weirdo?" Izuku rolled his eyes as their father shouted, "Watch your language!" from the other side of the gym 
Izuku turned away from his huffing brother, "I thought being the worst villain meant being a total bastard?" Hisashi looked up from the email he had been reading. 
"Well, yes, but professionals have standards and, uh... Your mother wouldn't approve?"
Izuku shrugged, "Can't argue with that!"


A/n: Yes, fluffy sinnamon rolls, are quite lovely. I wonder if you, dear reader, also find joy in teenage gremlins and sibling chaos?
Enjoy (or don't?) the fanfiction!

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