Chpt. 2 - Gosh Damn Annoying Robots -

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After wanting to be a hero for so long, it felt odd to Izuku that the day was finally there. It was the day of the UA entrance exams, the day that could very much decide his future as a hero-in-training. Years of late-night study sessions, analyzing hero and villain techniques, and physical training had gone into preparing him for becoming a hero. It felt unreal, an event that could decide his future began on such a mundane morning.

'Or maybe I'm just overthinking it,' Izuku thought to himself, 'Yeah definitely overthinking it...' He had just earlier finished the written portion of the exams. They weren't too difficult, thanks to those late-night study sessions along with Izuku's incredible intelligence, but Izuku couldn't help to feel nervous about the practical exam. His father had offered to give him a heads-up on what it would be like, but he refused because it felt to him like cheating. It would be a lie to say he wasn't regretting it just a little bit.

So, there he was, in front of UA High School, on his path to becoming a student at the prestigious hero academy. It's only right that he managed to trip on air during such an experience. Izuku yelped as he prepared to catch himself. But he didn't need to, someone else had already, "Are you alright?" Izuku stared silently at the ground that had refused to let him land on it. 
"Oh! I'm sorry I used my quirk on you without asking!" Izuku finally turned to a girl, his age with a nice complexion and light brown hair, who released her quirk, allowing him to land on his feet.
"It would've been bad luck to fall on the first day, right!" 

Izuku blinked, and snapped out of his trance, "Oh, yeah! Thank you, I guess I'm just a little nervous, first day and all!" He gave the girl a bright smile. Honestly, she seemed nice, and her quirk was interesting too. From what he could tell, it had something to do with making things float. A bit like his telekinesis maybe?
"That's alright," she returned a smile almost as bright, "Let's both do our best!"

Izuku chuckled and waved goodbye to the girl. He didn't even know her name, but she was a nice person, hopefully, he would see her again. After that confrontation, Izuku headed to orientation, where a hero he knew as Present Mic would be explaining the practical exam. Present Mic was known for being loud, of course, but Izuku almost had to cover his ears as the hero began his presentation. He liked the Mic though, he admired the way he could just brush it off when people found him to be annoying.
Izuku made sure to call out a loud "Hey!" in response to the hero and laughed to himself when he realized he had been the only one to respond. The hero gave a thumbs up to the giggling teenager before continuing to explain the exam.

Present Mic had just finished explaining the system of gaining points by defeating the robots when another examine with dark blue hair pointed out that on the pamphlet, there were four types of bots, but Present Mic had only mentioned three. He then turned around to point at Izuku, "And you, with the unruly green hair! You've been mumbling this entire time, it's distracting to others. If you aren't going to take this seriously, then you shouldn't be here!" 

Izuku jumped from his seat, thoroughly offended. First of all, his hair wasn't "unruly", it was curly and fluffy and gorgeous. But secondly, "I apologize if my habits bother you, but can you really talk about being serious and distracting others? If you had been paying attention, or at least read the pamphlet properly, you would know that Present Mic was literally just about to get to that!" 

The blue-haired teen who had insulted his hair stuttered for a moment before apologizing and returning to his seat. Izuku, satisfied, returned to sitting quietly as well. Present Mic merely glanced between the two before returning to his presentation, "That's right listeners! Now the 4th type of villain is worth zero points! They're an obstacle, that you should avoid!" 
Present Mic continued as if he had never been interrupted.
Izuku listened more attentively, reining his muttering in control. The whole exam was more of a video game than a test, 'Tenko would've loved this.' 

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