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I looked at my watch nervously as I looked out the window. The boys were still not here, and I knew Arthur would be here any minute! Why were they taking so long? I hope nothing bad happened to them! Maybe I should go out to find them. I quickly put on my coat and went straight for the door. With all the nice things the boys had, you would think they would just have someone else get it for them, but they loved to go out.

I rushed to the door, opened it, and in seconds, I found myself frozen. "Oh! Are you watching me? Or could you sense when I am coming? That was impeccable timing," he spoke. Arthur began to smile at me, and I felt my heart racing. I closed my eyes, defeated, taking a deep breath.

"Well? Let's not just stand here. Shall we go in?" He asked. Arthur pushed past me and looked around Alfred's home. His home was a stereotypical kind for the decade. It was colorful, had some dim lights, and even some big lava lamps that he had installed in the center of his living room. His sofa was a red rounded one that circled the lamp. He had his own bar and a nice staircase leading up to the top floor, and it was a dream.

"Well, You see... I was about to leave because the boys haven't returned; they left a while ago, and I was worried."

"Oh? They called me saying they would be here later and that they would be an hour longer."

"An hour?! They said they were getting dry cleaning a while ago!"

"Hmmm? Maybe something else came up?"

God, I was worried for no reason! Those idiots probably got themselves into some trouble. What was a quick trip turned into hours. "Well, don't give me that ridiculous look; let's wait for them," he spoke. I nodded at what he said, following him to the sofa. The room was already dim, only lit by the light emanating from the lamp.

We sat beside each other, but I couldn't relax. I felt nervous the entire time and began clenching the material on my knees. "Why so stiff? No need to be nervous; I won't attack you if that's what you're nervous about!" He teased.

Arthur slapped my back and started laughing, but I could not shake the constant thought. The thought that we were alone for once, after a long time. I knew nothing would happen, but an hour is a long time to be alone with someone. I'd rather sit alone than be nervous around him for an hour.

"Sorry... I've had a bit on my mind today," I laughed. I tried to relax briefly but could sense him staring at me. At the very least, I could count on him to read the room. Even after all the fighting we went through, Arthur still had a special place in my heart, whether I wanted to deny it.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" He asked. My eyes widened, and I turned to him quickly. "Eh? What a silly question! Do I need to answer that?" I laughed. He looked at his nails, annoyed, shrugging. Well...he was probably 'seeing' Portugal. I wonder what kind of things they did together. "Well, as I mentioned before, I hear French people take on many lovers, so I figured you—"

"Slept around? Hardly! I may look, but I know better to sleep with any of my people. That is wrong in so many ways!"

"Hey, I don't care if you do; I'm only curious!"

Arthur and I were connected in a twisted way. We somehow always found each other even when we didn't want to. We instantly clicked at a young age, and despite the fighting, we didn't want to leave each other. He didn't need to tell me that for me to know. Why else would he continue to talk to me even when our relationship was strained?

"Well, are you?" I asked. He pursed his lips as if thinking. "Something like that," he spoke. He must have been talking about Portugal. Of course, he'd choose him! Portugal has always stuck by his side. And me? Well, I do the opposite. I slowly began to face him, and he noticed my movement, doing the same.

I began to rest my arm on the top of the sofa, feeling the cloth of his shirt as I touched his shoulder. "Something like that? Who is it?" I asked. I came closer.

Maybe if he tells me, it will be confirmed, and these new but old feelings could go away. I could finally give up on him and not try to make excuses for my counterproductive heart and mind. "You are curious? Why?" He asked. He smiled at me, and I sank deeper.

"Well, is it bad that I want to know who you have been kicking your feet back and forth over?"

"Well, No...Did you have some other thoughts about it?"

He placed his arm over mine, touching my shoulder in return. He had come closer.

"We've changed so much. It's hard to accept it sometimes. I think maybe I might be tired of all this change. However, how new and fresh you seem to come out amazes me. I congratulate you for being on the top," I laughed. He tilted his head at me, and I mimicked him by tilting my head the opposite way. "Oh? So now you are happy about it? Well, I do say it is refreshing for you to admit how ridiculous you were being, finally," he laughed.

He came closer.

"Well, can you blame me for being so stubborn? You are extremely aggravating. Also, I suppose you can say I've grown too," I smiled. He reached into my hair and began twirling a piece between his fingers. "Well, for what it's worth. I like how you turned out; I know I never had the chance to tell you. However, it is never too late to tell you how great you look in bell bottoms and slightly open shirts. Are you trying to seduce me or something?" He laughed.

I came closer.

"Pfft! The way this conversation is going, it would seem that you are. Don't you have someone? Or have you become a harlot?" I teased. It did sound like he was flirting...

Wait...he was flirting?

But...what of Portugal.

I couldn't help but smile a bit and felt myself coming closer to him. Oh... after so long, we were finally going to kiss again? What if someone sees? What if the boys come home? I need to stop this! Right?

"Wow, You are actually being genuine for once," he laughed. I immediately stopped and pulled away. He immediately looked disappointed and began to glare slightly. "OH! Sorry! I didn't mean to...I...—how about something to drink?!" I sputtered. I jumped from my seat, and he looked at me, annoyed. "Sure..." he groaned.

"Yes! And you can talk to me about this person you are seeing! Lovely!" I squeaked. I want to kill myself.

Till there was you (Fruk)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora