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The day of the world meeting was bustling as ever. Because I was staying with Alfred, I didn't have a reason to be late, so I left for the meeting when he did, and that was seven in the morning. I watched everyone trickle in slowly, hoping to see Arthur next. We had only seen each other a couple of times while he was here, but he had diplomatic business to take care of.

When he was free, we'd spend much of our time together. We talked about anything and everything. I learned how he was sad the Beatles broke up and how he had gotten a tattoo, despite not telling me where. He told me that he watched any new movie that came out, listened to music from my place, and had been open to eating new things even if they weren't popular at his place.

His favorite things to eat were cakes and anything sweet. He told me he learned to bake mostly because he wanted to show off to me. I felt flattered, and it made me feel worse.

He told me he wanted me to visit him eventually, and I wasn't against it. I would drop everything I was doing to see him. That sounded a bit ironic coming from me. Especially since I swore I wouldn't be dragged in again, I was done with him. I don't understand how I could easily be pulled in.

Granted, I felt that Alfred and Matthew may have kicked me a bit, metaphorically. I asked them not to help me, but I don't think much would have changed if they did not get involved. I'm not sure I'm happy that I couldn't figure it out myself.

I mean, before the dance, I still wanted to punch Arthur. Well, I sometimes do, but I believe I might always feel that way. He makes me want to kiss and punch him. Whether in what order is a mystery.

My mind was done with all this change, but maybe he was the stability I needed. He, although he changes with time, will always be the Arthur I had grown to love. He was like wine...he got better with time.

I felt my aura brighten up, seeing a familiar set of hair show from across the room. Immediately Alfred greeted him, and they looked happy to see each other. He would sit beside me, and I was excited.

Excited to do nothing but excited to be in his presence.

"ENGLAND!" An obnoxious voice cheered. I watched as Portugal nearly tackled Arthur. My smile faded, and I only felt so stupid. I forgot about HIM! I was sure they must enjoy each other's company the most.

It wasn't too late to be Arthur's friend, but it was too late to capture his heart. I wanted to laugh thinking about it! How? After all these years, I still manage to screw things up between us. Sure, we are working on it now, but what then? Will one of us continue to screw it up? Are we destined to be known as the two countries who fought each other?

I wanted to slam my head against the table thinking about it. I'm such an idiot! I won't be able to recover from this. Never in my life!

Arthur laughed as Portugal put his arms around him, but suddenly looked up at me, meeting my eyes. He smiled slightly, sticking his tongue out, and I was flabbergasted. That guy! He must love messing with me!

"France! It's nice seeing you here! I was making a bet with Spain on if you'd come!" Prussia nearly jumped me, and I could only laugh. "Thank you...say, where is Germany?" I asked. Prussia looked at me sadly, pointing across the room. I turned my head to see him talking to Italy, and I tried to wave to get a response.

"Ah! He was asking about you earlier! He was worried you'd miss again, but I'm glad you were able to give him some reassurance! He only has a soft spot for Mr. Italy, so it is nice!" He laughed. Germany waved at me with a smile, and I nodded. "Ah? Who has a soft spot for who?!"

"Spain! Funny seeing you here!"

"It is a world meeting! Hey! Was this spot taken?! Oh! Being in America is so cool! All the women are so pretty and thin, and the weather is so nice here! Not even mentioning the fashion!" Spain cheered. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. I had begun to fix the papers in front of me, and the two of them began to talk about being in America.

"France! How about we all go out tonight? Do you know any cool discos? I want to see the women shake their hips!" Spain continued. He was overjoyed and began putting an arm around me. "Ah, I'm not sure; I think I might want to head back home after the meeting..."

"What? What if cute girls were involved? Don't be such a buzz kill!" He teased. He began to shake me until he suddenly was shoved into me. "HEYY!"

"My bad, I didn't see you sitting in MY seat!" Arthur spoke. Spain looked like he wanted to cry, and Prussia annoyedly shook his head. "After all these years? You are still angry!" Spain pretended to cry. He was so dramatic, so...I didn't care. He would get over himself within a few seconds.

"What's this about you going out tonight? To talk to girls?" Arthur glared. I felt as if my answer would decide my fate. "No, I'm going home, actually," I explained. Spain and Prussia looked at me, shocked, but I wasn't going to go out with them anyway.

"Ah! Me too! We should take a flight together?" Arthur suggested. Spain and Prussia looked at both of us confused, not expecting the friendliness. "I'd actually enjoy that...how about you meet where I'm staying, it could be nice," I smiled. Arthur nodded in agreement, and they still looked at us, shocked.

"Eh? What is up with the two of you? You Both aren't arguing!" Prussia pointed out. Could they be more delusional?! I glared at them slightly, but they only looked confused. "What? You are leaving tonight?" Portugal butt in.

Spain rolled his eyes, seeing his brother, and stepped away. "Aww, are you going to go with them and ensure France doesn't taint England?" Spain teased. They both began to glare at each other, and I rolled my eyes. Everyone had beef with each other! I wasn't even sure if anyone actually considered the other a friend. Well...I lie; there are a few exceptions.

"France will be with you? I'm coming too!"

"Don't worry, I'll just leave tomorrow," I spoke. Everyone turned to me, shocked, but Arthur looked especially pissed. "Then come out with us tonight!" Spain demanded.

"No! We can hang out when we are home in Europe!"

"France, I thought you wanted to leave tonight?" Arthur asked. I looked at him as if asking, 'really? Do I need to answer?' It was ridiculous. I didn't need Portugal staring me down the entire time. "I'd rather not go..." I spoke. Portugal was glaring at me. Pfft, how pathetic. He needs to confess to him already if this is such a problem.

"Eh? WHY THE HELL NOT?" He yelled. He gave me so much attitude that I wanted to slam my head against the table again. "Yeah? Do you have a problem with him? If you do, then you have a problem with me!"

"I don't!"

"France? Did you make up with England?"

"FRANCE! Do you need me to punch my brother?!"

"FRANCE! Why the hell don't you want to go on a plane with me? Do you think I'm gross or something?!"


Soon they all began to argue with each other, and I made eye contact with the boys across the room. I swear, it was as if I could never catch a break. I think I was going to catch a flight when no one would expect me to leave. I'll leave tonight, and that will be the end of it.

"OI! You ignoring me? FROG FACE, look at me!" Arthur demanded. He looked so offended at the possibility of me not wanting to be on a plane with him. As much as I wanted to go back with him, I really didn't want to be around Portugal and hear him flirt with Arthur. I would rather kill myself. I would rather go back in time and make sure to stab him another time with my sword.

Oh well, C'est La Vie!

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