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We were silent for a few seconds before I decided to sit beside him. He was doing his best not to look at me, and I tried to ignore it. "Hey...I'm sorry, but I don't think you should be upset about it," I started. His head shot toward me, and he looked pissed. Maybe I chose the wrong words.

"You know how I feel about the two of you!"

"And you knew how I felt about you and Portugal, yet here we are!"

"It is different!"

"How? Tell me how it is different! It isn't like I'm trying to screw your brother! Also, last time I checked, we DON'T have that type of relationship. The type where I should care if you sleep with Portugal. He pisses me off, but that is your business. So, please do not go there! You are the last person to be upset when you have been sleeping with HIM!"

His eyes widened at what I said, and I stood up. Okay, I was planning to sleep with his brother, but I didn't do it! "I have no idea what you are trying to do by doing that! Are you jealous? Huh? Tell me! Why don't you like it? Or maybe because it is happening to you, so you suddenly care?"

"He is my brother! It is different! Portugal is someone who was an asshole when we were kids, and has been my ally!"

"Oh? So you sleep with allies now? I suppose that makes sense!"

I was actually starting to get mad at his excuses. "Wait now! What happened between us was different? We were drunk and—"

"And? You said it yourself! We were allies then and are now! Maybe it wasn't good enough to do it again, so you keep returning to Portugal!"

He stood before me, crossed his arms, and glared. "You are unbelievable! It was different! You know that!"

"I do? How? How was it different between me and you and him?" I held onto his shoulders and shook him a little. "Stop! It is different!" He defended. "Why? Tell me why it is different! Maybe if your excuse is good enough, I might use it anytime I sleep with someone else!" I mocked. I continued to shake him, and he tried to get away from me. I was not being ridiculous in the situation; it was all him. He drove me to go there, and now he doesn't want to talk.


My eyes widened at what he said, and I stood back. No way...he had to be lying. He could not go all those years without even thinking of me that way. When he said that, it was as if my whole world was crashing around me. There was no other explanation besides him being a dick. He never truly loved me. All of it was fake. He...was unbelievable.

Then...the realization hit me.

"You're in love with him... aren't you?" I asked.

He looked at me horrified, stepping back. He was. Then that meant he only kept me around to mess with—the second dreadful option. My face fell staring at him, and he looked as if he knew he screwed up by saying what he said. After all these years, the mystery of who had Arthur's heart was finally solved. I couldn't believe it...I was the biggest idiot in the world.


"You are! YOU ARE SO IN LOVE WITH HIM! Well? What's stopping you? Tell him? I'm sure he feels the same!"

"Hey! Will you slow down? You are jumping to conclusions!"

"Oh? Am I? Then say I'm wrong!" I demanded. He looked at me, shocked. He was silent and did not say anything. "You are unbelievable! Then, you have the audacity to be upset with me? With me? After you are going and doing this? What was the point of me trying to be better with you? I thought..."

I paused, and he looked at me, shocked.

"You...Thought?" He asked slowly.

Screw him! I don't need Arthur! There are plenty of other people I could go to. "Francis...do you...?" He started, and my eyes widened. Oh crap...I almost confessed without realizing it. I stepped away from him, feeling shocked.

"Do you..."

"NO! I don't know if that is what you are thinking. I only figured you were not such a huge dick anymore, and I could stand to be around you again, but I was completely wrong!" I snapped. He wanted me to say I loved him; I know he did. He wanted me to say it so it could fuel his ego. "Seriously? You are going there again? Can't we try talking about this?"

"No! and in fact, this makes everything else better for me! I will give you the same energy back! I was planning on sleeping with your brother! And you know what? I am going to do it! I am going to screw the hell out of your brother in spite of you! and you know what? I don't give a shit if you care or not!" I snapped. His eyes widened at me, and he looked like he did not know what to say.

"No? No other words? Good! Now, I will see you at the world meeting! Or not! I do not care!" I declared. I began to walk away, and Arthur did not try and stop me. I walked out toward the door and opened it. Screw him! I can get back at Arthur in other ways! He messed with the wrong person this decade. I will screw anyone to get back at him.


I heard him shout momentarily and then felt myself falling through the door. I felt my body hit the cobblestone sidewalk he had, feeling my skin scrape against the sharp rocks. My eyes widened as I felt the pressure of his body on me. He grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling it. "TAKE THAT BACK!" He demanded. Arthur was sitting on my back, pulling my hair, and I was not about to let him manhandle me like that. There was no other option in this scenario.

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