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"I hear they still hang out."

"Yeah, well, they have the right to hang around anyone they want. Why should I care?"

"Why shouldn't you? I mean, I was really rooting for you and-"

"That is irrelevant, Alfred! I told you I had feelings for him a few years ago, but nothing has changed. We have been busy dealing with our own things, and I don't want to make him uncomfortable."

"But he feels the same! I know it!"

"Honestly, boys, Why do the two of you keep trying?"

I looked at the boys who were eating food. They were bugging me before we left for England. They were staying with me before this world meeting and wanted to surprise Arthur. "Well, he makes time for Mr. Portugal..." Matthew spoke. He gave me a side-eye and began to sip his tea, but I could only roll my eyes.

"Well...as I said...he can keep whoever he wants around..."

"OH, MAN! WHAT IF THEY ARE IN LOVE? That is a serious thing?" Alfred had begun to freak out, but I ignored him. Nothing like that would happen, and if it somehow did, I would support Arthur. It is the mess he is getting in. I don't want him to end up like Ms. Hungary, who is still hopelessly in love with Mr. Austria. Then there is Mr. Prussia and his unrequited feelings for Mr. Italy. Then there is that strange relationship between Ms. Taiwan and Mr. Japan...and then...


I think I have only realized that many of us have feelings for each other, but we can't act on them. What a sad reality we live in. Even Alfred...He has a love-hate relationship with Ms. Mexico. "And of you and Ms. Mexico?" I asked. His eyes widened, and he looked away from me. "It is complicated...besides, I only want what is best for the two of you. I will turn a blind eye! I just want to see the two of you happy," He tried to defend.

"And I am happy. The two of you have done enough. Our relationship is fixed, but we are friends now. He...would rather be around Portugal than me. I am completely fine with it," I laughed. I could not stop myself from aggressively cutting my food in half. The boys looked at me a bit worried, but I only ignored them more. I wasn't jealous of their relationship! Arthur could be happy, and if he is happy, then I am happy.

Maybe I was wrong that Arthur still had feelings for me; maybe it had been unrequited this whole time. However, I think that I am not willing to accept it.


That afternoon, as we crossed the Dover, we all rushed to Arthur's home. Alfred said that he was not doing anything today, so the boys felt it was a perfect time to mess with him. "How often do you visit him?" I asked. Alfred looked at Matthew, who also waited for an answer. "Oh, I don't see him as often as you, Mattie! However, I do come and visit very often. I hope that I don't start talking like him or getting some of his physical features," Alfred laughed.

We had taken a cab to his apartment in London, and I was a bit amazed at how a few things had changed. I used to be able to see more hippie-like people, but now everyone looked punk. There were still a few people here and there who would dress as people at mine, Alfred's, and Matthews's place would dress, but the majority were punk-looking.

I had seen Arthur only a few times since our 'moment' on the plane back in America. However, as I said before, nothing happened after. Figured as much. I was so dumb to think that this sudden romance could bloom between us. The kind of romance I saw on TV and read in books.

Even after the war, after Arthur saved me, I still wanted us to have this romantic situation happen between us. I could only picture him throwing himself in my arms and confessing to me like in those romantic scenarios. He would get down on one knee as humans would do and ask me to spend the rest of our lives together.

However, that situation would be hilarious now, considering his personality. I feel as if he would rather jump off a bridge than ever be honest with himself about how he feels. I would have to be content with the sly flirting he did once in a while.

"I think there are a few discos here; maybe we should force him to come out with us," Matthew spoke. Alfred and I nodded in response and began approaching his door. Thinking about all the things Arthur has experienced over the past few years was nice but made me slightly jealous. He has been voted the horniest country for the past few years, with even his people using and buying sexual products like crazy.

I was a bit surprised at first, but honestly, with all the sex Arthur was telling me about, it made sense. I hear Mr. Scotland is in England right now, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to work my magic a bit. I mean, it isn't like I was going to be put in bed with that idiot! He and Portugal must have a lot. I get shivers thinking about it. DISGUSTING!

"Mr. England? We are coming in!" Matthew announced.

"Hmm? why did you say that? just go in?" Alfred asked.

"AH! its because I walked in on Portugal and him being funny!"


Alfred and I looked at him, shocked, and we immediately pushed through the doors, ensuring nothing like that was happening again. Alfred and I ran to the living area, leaving Matthew behind, and of course...

He was here...

"Oh? Boys? Mr. France? I wasn't expecting to be in your presence today," he spoke softly. Matthew had caught up to us, and I still felt in shock at what he said. How could he not tell us something so important?

Arthur looked the same as usual. The only difference was he wore these beige fuzzy slippers. Beige and black were an odd mix in this situation. "France? What are you doing here?" Portugal asked. "Well, I don't think I need permission. Canada and America wanted to see him and me and brought me along. Is there anything wrong with that?" I asked. I was getting really annoyed at this point.

"The world meeting isn't till later; you could have waited!"

"Honestly, what is your deal? I am not trying to take him from you if you are worried about that!"

The boys looked at me worried, and Arthur looked a bit pissed. "I am not worried about that," he glared. I rolled my eyes at him, and Arthur finally cut us off by moving past us. "Not in my house, and France, you have made yourself perfectly clear many times; I suggest not getting pressed about it constantly," he spoke. Wow! Of course, he was taking Portugal's side! That did not surprise me.

"So, It is a lovely surprise, but I do request you call next time; I have company," Arthur added. I rolled my eyes at what he said, feeling the need to leave. "Well, no worries, I will leave anyway," Portugal spoke, annoyed. All he could do was glare at me before making his way out.

Till there was you (Fruk)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ