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Arthur and I knew we would get the reaction we did. Arthur was hosting the world meeting, and when everyone saw us walk into the room, they were shocked but not surprised to see us beaten up. 'France and England are fighting again,' is what they say as usual.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Portugal shoved me. Immediately the boys stepped between us, and I didn't pay him any mind. He was getting on my nerves, and I wasn't going to get into another fight. Especially over Arthur. The stupid rat!

I looked at where he stood seeing an equal amount of people surrounding him, worried. "Hey, no need to fight. They always fight like this; it isn't a big deal!" Alfred tried to defend. Portugal glared at me, and I looked away again. I looked at Arthur and felt a bit bad for pulling at his piercings. "Like hell! England is bleeding!"

"So is France; it isn't anything they can't handle. Trust us," Matthew spoke. Arthur met my stare, and he smiled a bit. I couldn't help it...

I was in love with him!

He was the only one I could get in a fistfight with and want to kiss afterward. He was the only one I wanted to be around daily but avoid. He was the only one who honestly had my heart. I was in love...

I was in love with the idea of him, with his smile, his words, and his ugly hair. I loved him in every possible way, and that wasn't enough. Even if we never confessed, I'm okay with loving him alone. There is no one else I could adore as much as I have adored him. He was my stupid idiot who I wanted to kiss and punch. Then maybe one day we will get tired of each other and deal with it.

"HEY! Are you paying attention? What is your deal?" Portugal asked. He was really pissing me off. "I kicked his ass? What else do you want me to say? If you love him so much, say it!" I glared. Everyone looked at us, and Arthur turned his head, worried.

"Well! How about we cancel the meeting today? Maybe we can all meet on Friday! If any of you are willing to stay in my country for that long!" Arthur announced. Many of them quickly nodded in agreement. Being in love with someone was such a taboo topic for us.

We aren't supposed to love.

Portugal only looked at me with so much hate and jealousy that it was ridiculous. I can't understand why he is angry. Arthur spends all his time with him. I don't understand why? And then Arthur puts up with him? It was honestly amazing.

"How about we meet later?" Matthew asked. I nodded at him and looked at Arthur, who was across the floor; I wanted to talk to him alone. "Can't you back off already? He doesn't want to be around you," Portugal added. I turned to look at him, and a few people who were still in the room looked.

"Come on, do we have to do this here? It will make everyone uncomfortable," I pointed out. Arthur began to walk toward us, looking confused. "What's going on?" He asked. He looked as if he was trying not to rage again.

"I'm tired of Mr. France constantly trying to interfere with your life when you continuously tell him to back off," he added.

"Whoa! Maybe just drop it; they always fight; it's not a big deal!" Spain spoke. He and a few others approached us, and I didn't say much. "Well, if that's the case, then I will stay away if England wants me to."

"Hey, don't put me on the spot."

"See? He obviously doesn't care, so drop it already!"

"No, because I'm tired of pretending that Mr. France isn't in love with England or something!" He shouted. Everyone stayed silent, and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe he had said that. In front of everyone. "Whoa! That is a taboo topic; drop it!" Germany suddenly came to us. He looked really nervous, and it caused more people to begin to leave. "I'm not in love with him," I spoke.

I looked at Arthur; he looked a bit pissed but said nothing. "Oh? You expect me to believe that? Especially since the past hundred years, you have been making moves on him! As if I'd forget the Hundred Years, the Napoleonic wars, and countless other situations! It is pathetic! He doesn't love you; get over it!"

"WHOA! Portugal, calm down!" Prussia spoke. More nations came back, watching in shock. "It isn't what you think it was...we..."

"Oh? Then what was it? Hmm? Both of you? Tell me what it was!"

"Portugal, stop," Arthur glared. He was getting extremely pissed. I was getting upset too. He was the reason Arthur was locked away for so long; he constantly told his monarch about us. Then he wants to try and bring it all up hundreds of years later? Ridiculous!

"What? It's all true! The two of you have this weird thing going on, and I'm sick of it! Now, France is trying again...and is failing miserably!"

"Will you stop already?" The boys stood there like they didn't know what to do. No one did. "Hey, can't we all get along?" Belgium asked. More people surrounded us. "What? Do you want to know the crazy thing about all of this? Many of us sleep with each other because it feels good, there are no feelings and it is quick. However, you...You actually like it! You are unbelievable," he laughed.

I think he was finally losing it over everything. I know what he was implying. However, it was a stupid thing to say since many of us actually have feelings for another person of the same sex. It wasn't new information. However, it was an unspoken topic. We all had religions to follow and would be going against them.

"I'm leaving! England, thank you for inviting me, but I won't be able to come to the next meeting."

"What? Running away? Makes sense! England has told me all the things the two of you talked about. Did he mention he has a tattoo? I could only imagine where you tried to guess where it was; well, I know very well," he laughed.

"Just ignore him; he is only trying to piss you off," Arthur spoke. He looked done with him, and so was I. I'm surprised that Arthur was willing to be around him. I wonder if he was only like this to other people or me.


Maybe he is only like this to me.

I don't blame him for holding grudges; many of us have. I have, too, many times against Arthur.

I took a deep breath and turned away. I could sense the boys looking at me nervously. "Pfft...I knew it...he really is bent. I knew he was a batty boy," Portugal laughed. The boys froze at what he said, and I immediately felt enraged.

"What did you say?" I asked. I turned around quickly, and Arthur looked at me, shocked. "You heard me! I said you were a batty—"


Many of the other nations began to scramble around, shocked once seeing me punch Portugal across the face. The force was so strong he fell to the ground, and no one knew what to do.

"Don't take that as a diplomatic means...I don't intend to go to war with you. However, I suggest you take it personally. I punched you for being a dick," I spoke. He looked at me, shocked, and Spain rushed to help him. The boys stared in shock, and I quickly left the room. "MR. FRANCE! WAIT!"

I already knew Alfred and Matthew would try and find me later, which I didn't mind. I only wanted to be alone for a bit. In all my years of living, I had never been so happy to resort to violence. This was long overdue.

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