Chapter 1:Do I have feelings towards him?

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((A/N:HUMANIZED VERSION!I don't know, I find it more sexy.WHAT AM I THINKING, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!I SHOULDN'T BE LIKE THAT!!!GAAAH!My paranoia is getting me, just ignore it!Have a smexy day. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ))

Mordecai's PoV


That was the first sound I heard this morning, coming from my alarm.It woke up not only just me, but also my shorter friend, Rigby."Ugh, shut that thing off!Or even better.Thorw it out of the window!" He said."Rigby, you know we have alot of work today.Benson told us to mow the lawn, clean the floor of the house and also do Muscle Man's work." I exclaimed."But why do we have to do Muscle Man's job?Can't he do it himself?" Rigby said tierd."You know that Benson send him to get something from a person that he knows.I don't know exactly what it is, but if he send Muscle Man, its really important then." I answerd his question."Fine.Lets just get started with it."We switched from our pajamas to our casual clothes, and ran down the stairs to eat breakfast."What do you want for breakfast?" I asked him."Eeh, I don't know.Let me think." He said, while holding his chin with one of his hand, and scratching his head with the other.

'Hehe.He is so cute when he does that' I thought to my self.But...Wait, why did I just thought that?We're best friends.Besides, I like Margaret.One hundred percent sure that I'm not gay or bisexual.That's probably one of the moments when you get weird thoughts in your life.Everyone has them."Oh yeah, I got it.I want some pancakes!"He said."Right away dude."I followed with my reply after he told me what he wants for breakfast.

"Hey, can you hand me the syrup?"He asked me."Sure".Rigby sometimes eats like a pig.More often when it it's about pancakes.He had syrup all over his mouth and pieces of pancake all over his mouth.

"Dude, don't eat like a pig, your mouth is dirty." I said, giggling

"Hey, shut up!I will wash it after breakfast!"

"Hehe, fine bro.Just messing with ya."

As soon as breakfast ended, we went out to do our job."The person to get the least lawn mowed is a rotten egg!" I told him smiling."What are you?Five?I will still accept the challange tho!" Rigby replied.We constantly raced to see who can mow more of the lawn.When we were finished, Rigby claimed that he mowed more than me."Ha, in your face Mordo!" He yelled.I giggled."That isn't true.Obviously I did." I told him.We would argue a little over who mowed more, but then we would stop and laugh at this.

Rigby's Pov

We laughed over our stupid argument of who mowed more.After that, Mordecai decided that its now time to go clean the floor of the house.Before we started cleaning, Mordecai headed in our room."Be right back, gotta change"He told me.It was hot outside, so he really did sweat while mowing.Should have put a T-shirt instead.Like me.For some reason I had to urge to "see" if he really went to change.I don't know why, but I felt like I had to.I opend the door slowly, so Mordecai can't notice that I was oppening it.As I peeked, I saw Mordeai taking his shirt off, only revealing his back.

'Damn he's hot' Say what again?No, thats not how its supposed to be.Why did I think that.Just a few moments later, Mordecai turned around just to see if someone was watching him."Rigby?Rigby, are you there?"I instantly ran away after he turned back, seeing his chest just for a moment, blushing.What the hell was wrong with me?I'm not supposed to like my best friend!Get that thing out of your mind Rigby!I sat on the couch, pretending that I was waiting for him to come.

"Rigby, were you staring at me from the door?" He asked me after going down the stairs.

"Um, no?What do I think I am?"

"I think you like watching me."

"STOP TALKING!" I yelled.

"Haha, easy bro.Just messing with ya.Ok?" He told me.

"Yeah, fine.Lets just start cleaning the floor." I said with a little frustration in my voice.

After the cleaning◘

"Ugh, I'm so tierd!Can we take a break and not do Muscle Man's work?" I complained."Dude, you know that Benson will fire us if we don't do it." "But why does it have to be us!Can't we just not make it." "I wish we didn't.But we have to." I growled in annoyance."Fine, I will do it f-" I stopped."Do it for what?" "F-f...Only for a sandwich." "Really?Fine, I will make you a sandwich after we are done." He replied. 'What was I thining when I was about say it?Why was I going to say it?'

Again after.I know, I'm bad◘

"Finally, all of his job is done!" I complained while getting back in our room. "Now let's take a break!" I added. "Let's not forget your sandwich.If it wasn't for your precious, you wouldn't do it." He said, gigling. "Hey, that's not funny!" "Ok fine dude, just wait here, I will go make your sandwich." Mordecai said.While waiting, I got lost in my thoughts. 'Why did I think that Mordecai was, hot?Sure, he is really pretty and all but he is my best friend.Bet no one can be prettier than him.No, wait!Ugh!' While begin lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Mordecai coming up to me, telling me that my sandwich is ready. "Planet calling Rigby." he said while his hand is on my shoulder. "Huh, what?Oh, my sandwich is ready?" "Yeah, its in the kitchen. Go eat it.Pig.Hehe." Mordecai said. "Don't call me a pig!" I shouted mad, and went down to the kitchen go eat my sandwich. 'What's with him acting werid lately.And why do I think that Mordecai is hot?That's just not right for me!I will think about this later.I got a sandwich to eat now!'

((Sorry for the short chapter >.< I'm really really feeling that I'm sorry!I'm really feeling it!I will try to make a longer chapter next time!Ok, my sweeties by-WHAT THE HELL, WHY, JUST WHY, THIS ISN'T NORMAL FOR M-Shut the hell up paranoia.You ain gettin in here, attention whore!Kudos, Blue!))

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