Chapter 7 : Truth or Dare

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((Hai guys!So my original plan for Mordecai and Rigby to be BF was on chapter 10, but I didn't know what else I could write until then, so I moved it to chapter 7, and yeah.Also I might end stuff on Chapter 10 since I changed up stuff.And on Chapter 10 they are getting laid........Like, you know what I mean.))

Mordecai's POV

It was silent.After days of working, we were really tierd, and happy that it was another day off.I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about stuff, and one of them include how I will tell Rigby that I like him.Yes, he is gay, but that doesn't automatically mean that he will like me if I tell him.And he probably likes someone else.If that is true, I wonder who it is...Ugh, jealously is getting me even though I have no reason to get jealous!

Rigby was just sitting dowstairs playing video games that he is good.He woke up before me and instead of waking me up he just went and, who knows what he did.And how did I know that?When he turned on the TV first it was really loud, and the games could be heard, and then after he lowerd the sound.The only video games that he is good at is the ones that are singleplayer only.Well, maybe he is too lazy to get good at multiplayer ones.

Of course, eventually I would get tierd from only laying on my bed and staring the ceiling, so I got up and.I realized I was only with my pants.And after I put some jeans on and changing my shirt, I went downstairs, first thing I did was greeting Rigby."Hey Mordecai, finally woke up?" He asked me.I was sure that if I told him that I was actually up for some minutes he was going to ask me what I was actually doing.So instead, I answerd with a simple yes, as I then added that I will go eat breakfast.

"Oh, by the way, I left you some pancakes." He said.I was surprised by what he said.He left me some pancakes."Wait, pancakes?Did you make them or they were already made?" I asked."Well...Yeah, I made them.It was my third time trying to make pancakes, and to my surprise, it worked out well this time." He said.Rigby making breakfast that isn't cereal?That was unheard before.I was really really surprised but what I heard."Em, ok then.Thanks for leaving some." I said.

After eating breakfast, I went back to Rigby where he was still playing video games, first to tell him that the pancakes were delicious, to my surprise again, and offer him if he wants to play a game together with me.His answer was "What?Dude, you know that you always beat me.I don't want to play multiplayer games.".This time, I wasn't talking about video games, but about something else."No, not video games.It's Truth or Dare." I said."What?Why would you want to play such a game?You won't ask me personal stuff, right?" He said while looking at me somehow freaked out."No no, I'm not going to ask you personal stuff, I promise." I responded to him.His face sligtly calmed down after hearing those words then.

Rigby's POV

When he said taht he wants to play that game, I freaked out because of the possibility that if I accepted, he would have probably asked me the question 'Do you like someone?' At least he put a promise that he won't ask me stuff like those.Even though, I don't feel like it's going to be too personal.But, no, what am I saying!?It IS personal.He is straight.He isn't Bi.He can't possibly really love me like I do."Ok then.So you want to do that now?" I asked just so I can know."Nah, let's do it later.Maybe when you finish your game." He answerd.He knew what game exactly I was playing, and it wouldn't take long to finish the whole game."I'll go upstairs, ok?" He added."Ok" was my response.

◘Several.Hours.Later(Like 2 or so)◘

Finally!I finished the game.Unlike most of the games I played, the final boss was the hardest, not some of the previous bosses that are supposed to be easier than the final one.After the final boss, I went to get myself a drink from the kitchen, and then went upstairs to meet Mordecai."Hey, so you finally beat it?" He first said when he saw me."Yeah, I did." Was my response."So are you ready to play or?" He followed with another question."Yeah" Was my simple answer."So you know how this game works, right?" He said, while sitting down on the floor and putting a bottle on the ground."Yeah, I do." Was my answer."Good.So let's start.".

He spin the bottle, and if first landed on him."Oh, so it landed on you.Well, Truth or Dare?" I asked."Dare" Is what he choosed."Well then, I dare you to...Do one of those weird yoga poses." Of course, since he choosed the game and since he choosed dare, he had to do it, and so he did.The way he looked while doing it was kinda funny, and it made me giggle a little.He seemd to notice it, but he just ignored it.

After that he shifted back to normal and then spin the bottle again, this time it landed on me."Truth or Dare?" He said while looking at me."Dare".For five seconds he thought on what he could dare me to do, and it came to his mind."Do a backflip." Was his dare."What!?I can't do that!" I said in surprise with a high tone."Hey, you are the one that choosed Dare.At least try to do it, and not complain about it." He said.Well, I guess I couldn't do anything else than that.I tried to do it, but the moment I did, I fell on the ground.And I knew that Mordecai did it on purpose.He was giggling at my fail.I guess I kinda deserved it for making him do that weird yoga pose.I also giggled at it.

I got up from the floor and then sit again on the floor, only for the bottle to stop at me again."Truth or Dare?" Asked Mordecai.This time instead of choosing Dare and doing stuff that probably can hurt me even more because Mordecai said, I choosed Truth.And as well, he promised to not ask me any personal stuff."Well then.Who do you like?" Was his question.I quickly answerd with a You, withouth noticing until a second later.I looked at him with a scared face, while he was looking at me surprised.

Akward silence occupied the whole room for a short while.I knew that was dumb beliving that he would keep his promise and it was a stupid idea to accept his invite!Ugh, now he probably will avoid me for the rest of my life!

After a short period of time, Mordecai looked down at the bottle, and then spin it again.This time it landed on him."Tru-truth...Or D-dare?" I said with a worried voice after saying that I liked him."Dare." Was what he choosed.Whatever I wanted him to make, I wouldn't do it.I know that he would never do it, so instead, my dare was different from the usual ones.I dared him to answer me something."I dare you to-" My sentence was cut from Mordecai.His lips, were touching mine.He was kissing me.But, why?He backed off, and then said "Does this answer your question?" He asked."Y-yes...But how did you know what that I was going to dare you to answer me that kind of question?" I said surprised."I've been with you long enough to know what you were going to do." Before I could say anything, he kissed me again.It lasted for like five minutes.Five heavenly minutes.

((SO!That was it guys.I'm sorry for the wait, so I hope this backs it up.Im kinda out of ideas, and I'm really lazy like you know, summer, and...GAAAH, MOSQUITOS!!!Nooo D: Stupid w**res ;~; Wellp.Bye.))

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