Chapter 6 : What can I do for you

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((Sorry for not updating, too lazy x3))

Mordecai's POV

It was morning, and we had alot of work to do.I wasn't surprised that I woke up first before Rigby, he always wanted to sleep the whole job days.He's so cute when he is sleeping.If you are wondering why I'm saying that, then here is the reason.I kinda now love Rigby.I've lost interest in Margaret, as it seems that she gets other boys to be her boyfriends.Who knew that I was Bi.I didn't know either.
"Wake up sleepy head." I touched Rigby's shouldter and pushing him a little, trying to wake him up."We have alot of work to do." I added.

"Ugh, I don't wanna wake up.I wanna stay and sleep." He said while drowsy. 

"You know that Benson will fire us if we don't finish it today." I tried to convince him him to get out of bed.Usually I sometimes would force him to get out of his bed, but this time instead of doing that, he  just did it withouth the need of my force, and before getting out of his bed he said "Well ,if you want it Mordecai, I would happily do that." YOU Is what got me off guard.He never said that before.Wait, did that mean that he likes me?Its, a probability...

"Now go take a quick shower and get dressed up.We don't want to be late." I said.He nodded and just did that.Of course after he was done showering it was my turn.

After we were finished it was time to go down so Benson can give his orderds on who what to do.Our first job was to clear the area around the fountain.People have been thorwing their trash around the area.I hate it when people don't thorw it in the bins.

"Man, why do people drop their treasure here?I mean just look at this, one dollar." Rigby said while cleaning.He picked up the dollar, and then saying "Ya know what we can buy with one dollar?" He said, smirking."I don't know, you tell me." I said wanting to see what he will respond."I don't know either, I just wanted to see what you will say s-" he stopped.

"Wait, s?What were you trying to say?" I looked at him after he stopped."S...Something like that, yeah." He said nervously."Ok...As you say." I looked at him confused.He's been acting weird the last few days.I don't know whats been up into his mind.I hope he didn't get through something bad."

Rigby's POV

Oh god I just almost called him sexy.Why did I do this!Ugh, my big mouth can't shut up for once!At least I got out from this.It's good thing that the word started with s, because there are alot of possibilities to slide off from situations like these.Even though he looked at me confused.Maybe he suspects something.I hope he doesn't find out that I love him, because for sure this time he will try to always avoid me.

Next up after cleaning the area around the fountain is cleaning the fountain.Which was pretty boring to be honest.Still there were lots of junk in there that people thorw.Like seriously people, use the bins, or do I have to punch that in your minds!At least some people thorw good things that I can use.

While cleaning the fountain we found something that had a, kind of unusual shape and it was plastic."Hey, what is that?" I asked, as Mordecai turned around.After seeing that he started to giggle a little."Dude, do you have any idea what you are just holding right now?" He said putting his hand on his mouth trying to cover his laugh."Um, no?This is why I'm asking you." I replied."Dude, it starts with a c.Try to guess what it is." He said, leaving me just to guess."With a c?I don't know what can start with a c....Come on Mordecai, if you know, just" I soon realized and then therw it out somewhere."EEW!" I screamed."Hahahaha!Oh god, your reaction was hella funny." He said, laughing his ass off.Typical Mordecai."Dude, that's gross holding someone else's protector!" I said looking at him a bit angry, and he was still laughing."Oh god.You should have saw your face.But.Let's be serious now.I will go get it, and you clean here, ok?" He said.Ah thank God that he didn't make me go get it.

◘After they have fninished their job.Skipping cause that part is boring.◘

It's 7 PM and it's getting dark already, and we finally finished all that stupid work.Benson really wanted to drain the last bit of energy out of us today, like seriously.I'm tierd.Really tierd.When I got back in the house I just wanted to go and lay on my bed, but instead I sat on the couch to rest because I had plans to play video games with Mordecai.When I sat on the couch he was already there.

"Hey, you feeling sleepy?" He asked me.How nice of him."Nah, just a little bit tierd." I said, as after that followed a small yawn."You sure?" He asked again just to be sure."Yeah, I am.Just because I'm yawning doesn't mean that I'm sleepy." I said in response."I just need to relax a little." My head then was touching Mordecai's shoulder after saying that.I didn't notice because of how tierd I was."Dude, is your head laying on my shoulder right now?" He said a few seconds after that."Wait, wha?Oh god I'm so sorry!" I quickly backed off after he told me."Hey dude, it's alright, you can lay on my shoulder if you want, I don't have a problem." He said smiling."Uum, ok?But, I don't want to bother you with that." I said."Well, as you wish." He said."Tonight we're gonna be playing real hard." He added after."What?Hey, don't say it like that!" I said, then looking away a little blushing."What?I was talking about the video games.Did you think I was talking about something else?" He said.Well this was really akward."Um, no.It just sounded kinda...stupid." I came up with an excuse."Well, if you think so." He said.

◘One final short scene, when it's bed time◘

After finishing playing video games, obviously it was time to get some sleep.After changing our clothes, and going to sleep, I tried to fall asleep.I couldn't for some reason, and I was moving constantly to try and find a, how can I say it, pose, that will be confortable for me so I can go to sleep.From all those noises I did I think I woke up Mordecai.

"Dude, aren't you asleep?It's like 1 AM." He said."I'm sorry, I just can't go to sleep for some reason." I responded."What's going on?What can I do for you to fall asleep?" He said.I was kinda surprised and not surprised at the same time.Yeah, it's confusing, but there are like two sides of this.One he never ever said that before.Two, he probaly said that now because he wants to go sleep so I don't disturb him.

"Um, yeah.There is one thing." I said. Oh no why did I say that!  Was my thought."Well, what is it?" He asked."Uum, a kiss maybe?" Holy shit why did I say that now he will really avoid me for the rest of my life!!!  I thought."A kiss, heh?Well ok then." He responded.I was extremly surprised by what he said.He got up from his bed, got closer to me and...Kissed me on the cheeck?"A good night kiss.Is that ok now?" He said."Uum, yeah.It's ok." I said with a, plain voice."Well good night then Rigby." He said."Good night."

I was hoping that this was just another one of those dreams, or even nightmares, I didn't care which one of them was.Because for sure Mordecai wouldn't agree with this, not even on the cheeck as a good night kiss.But nothing turned out to be crazy.It was just regular.What if I'm lucid dreaming and I can control my dream?Even though, I was sure that it was just a dream.So, I want back to sleep in my dream.

((Hey guys, finally did another chapter yey.I was begin too lazy and stuff, and that I had some...stuff...So I hope this makes it up for not updating for long :3 Bye peeps.Kudos, Blue!))

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