Chapter 5: Not so jealous

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Mordecai's POV

Since today is Saturday, that means we also don't have to work today.It was two days of resting from work!Rigby and I were just hanging around the park while talking about stuff.I would always smile brightly when I see him happy.I always wanted that for him.

While we were talking, my phone rang.It was Margaret."Hey dude, you don't have a problem if I pick it up, right?" I asked Rigby, so I don't kind of offend him."Yeah, sure.Why not?" He responded.

I picked up the phone and Margaret and I both said Hi one after another, first it was Margaret."Hey Mordecai, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" She asked me."Um, yeah sure.I don't see why." I accepted her offer."Eileen will also come.Will Rigby come also?" She was curious about."I don't know, let me ask him."

"Hey Rigby, Margaret said that we will hang out tonight.Wanna come?" I asked him."Yeah sure.I will." He responded with a smile.I was surprised by his reaction, since I thought he would be kind of jealous.I still remember how he didn't like when I talked about Margaret yestarday.

I got back on the phone to tell Margaret that Rigby will come also."Rigby said that he will also come to hang out." "Oh that's great!Let's meet infront of the movie theater at 6 PM." She said."Ok.Are we gonna watch a movie first?" I asked. "Yeah, we're gonna watch a movie first, then we can hang out somewhere." She said the plan. "Ok then, see ya there.Bye." "Bye.".I closed the phone.

"So?When and where?" Rigby quickly started to ask me questions."Woah, slow down dude, I will tell ya." I responded to him."It will be infront of the movie theater at 6 PM." And gave answer to his questions."So we are going to watch a movie first?" Rigby spit another question."Yeah we are.I don't know what movie exactly it would be though." I answerd his other question, adding a little bit more information."What?Why didn't you ask her?It could be a horror movie!" Rigby said after hearing that."Hehe, don't worry scaredy cat.I'm sure Margaret won't do such a thing.She knows how affraid you are from horror movies." I responded with giggles."Yeah, fine.I trust you.But I won't talk to you til the day finishes if it's a horror movie!" He said with a dedicated voice.

The rest of the day was just playing video games, telling jokes and laughing, playing punchies and stuff, until it was time to meet the girls.

When it became 6 PM we were already at the movie theater, and just when it became the time, the girls appeard."Wow, I thought you would be late a little." Margaret said while smiling."Hey, we're not lazy!At least outside work." I said and we started lauging."So what is the movie?" I asked."The Movie is [blank space]" ((Guys, please give me the name of the most boring film that you have ever watched, so boring that you might have even almost fell asleep on it, or even did fell asleep on it.))

*Time skip in the middle of this film.This is no more Mordecai's POV.Its his POV again after the film ends.*

"Aaw look at them, they are sleeping.Rigby's is sleeping on Mordecai's shoulder while Mordecai's is on Rigby's head" Eileen said. "Hehe, yeah.It's kinda funny." Margaret added with a giggle."Its kinda cute.If they were gays, I would totally ship them." Eileen said with a smile."Eileen!" Margaret said after her, whith a little upset tone."Sorry."

*End of the movie.Btw my original plan was to make them kiss while watching it, but eeeeeeh....I forgot that I saved it for later x3*

After the movie ended, we woke up.Yes, the movie was kinda boring....sort of....boring....more than...REALLY boring, that it made me asleep.I don't want to offend the girls, since they have their tastes, so I just didn't tell them that I didn't like it.And I think Rigby was asleep too....Oh god that would be embarrassing if he noticed that my head was sleeping on his.Even though I liked it alot.He looked cute when he sleeped.Do I have something for Rigby...Maybe...I love him?

"So where are we going now?" I asked."We are going to The Abandoned Zoo.Again." She said."Wait, WHAT!?Last time we went there we almost died!Remember?" Rigby shouted out loud."Yeah, I know.But the Death Bear isn't there anymore, right?Its safe now." She said with surety in her voice."Are you fully sure that it's safe there?" Rigby continued to ask her while begin unsecure."Rigby, I'm sure that its safe now there.If I wasn't, I wouldn't choose to go there." She said trying to calm him down.Rigby sighned, while closing his eyes slowly, and then giving a nod."Ok then, lets go." Rigby agreed.

While walking to the zoo, at the gate we were stopped by some man in a uniform."Stop.No one is allowed to pass.This zoo is about to be crushed down and I can't let you get in." He said."Wait, realy?I thought it would just stay here." Eileen said with a sad face."Yes, it would.But after that accident with the Death Bear the goverment wants it down, and on its place to be build something else." He explained the situation."Oh, well, I guess we have to go home.Sorry guys, we couldn't get in there." Margaret said frustrated."Don't worry, its no big deal.At least we had fun while watching that movie." I said in atempt to cheer her up."Yeah, I guess so.Well, see you guys another time?" She said.

We both went back to our homes.Margaret and Eileen were with a car, and we had to walk on feet.And it was a long walk!Our legs were tierd as the time we were in the house."Dude, my legs hurt from all that walking." Rigby complained about his feet."Yeah, me too." I added in."Wanna rest a little and then go dinner?" He asked me."Yeah, sure.Let's go upstairs." I said.He didn't complain about more walking and instead wanting to sit on the couch, but he agreed with me and went upstairs along side me.This was kind of strange.After the rest we went to dinner, back to our rooms, change, and then sleep, because tomorrow Benson wants us to do alot of work from morning.

((Hey guys, it seems like my mom can't decide if I shall be grounded whole summer or not, so I took this chance to made the next chapter :3 Yeeey, update :D.I also have new ships :3 Like Fox x Wolf from Star Fox.Damn they are a hot/cute/sexy couple!WOWAH!What did I just say?Haha, I don't know either!Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.It just took me some minutes to write, and I usually write my ideas on a note book so I don't forget them x3.So yeah, bye everyone!Kudos, Blue!))

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