Chapter 3:But how can I know?

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((Hey guys.Just to tell you, this chapter will be in Third Peron's POV.Just tellin ya, don't get confused!Well, at least until I change the POV!))

It was 7:00 PM, and the two males were laying on their beds, Mordecai looking up at the ceiling and, and Rigby just begin coverd under his pile of clothes.They got a well deserved break after finishing their job, nonetheless they also did Muscle Man's job.

Minutes were passing, with no words to crawl out of the two boys, until Mordecai looked at Rigby, smiling.He finally started a conversation with him.

"Dude, are you still affraid of the fact that I know that you are gay?" Mordecai asked his smaller friend.

"No, I'm fine.I was pretty surprised that you accepted it, and I thought at first that you were lying just so I don't feel awful." He replied with his regular voice(See the pun I did?No?Ok)

"Of course I accepted it.You should have told me a long time ago.I don't care if you are gay, you are still my best friend." Mordecai tried to make Rigby feel comfortable.

"Yeah, I guess" Rigby said.

It came another moment of silence, withouth a word or anything to be heard.

"Hey Mordecai.Do you wanna hang out or something?I don't wanna stay here the whole day, it's boring!" The small male exclaimed, looking at Mordecai.

"Heck yeah!I don't want to be sitting here all day too." Mordecai replied."But whered o we go?" He quickly asked.

"I don't really know.Maybe just wandering around The Park?We've played video games today.Don't know what else to do but that." Rigby answerd.

The two males wandered around The Park.Rigby was lost in his mind, thinking about Mordecai and rethinking of everything that could happen if he told him that he might have a crush on him.As the last time, he thought that he would hate him.For real this time.He didn't really listen to Mordecai's words, but instead he repeated Yeah, uhu and ok.

After a while, Mordecai also started to get lost in his thoughts.He couldn't resist but wonder why this morning he thought that Rigby was, cute.He never thought that way about his best friend, he loved him, but in a best friend way, not in a romantic one.He soon withouth noticing while saying, spit out the words "God, how cna I think that Rigby is cute?I love him, but not in a romantic way.How can I tell him thi-OH SHIT!" He realized what he just said.He looked nervous, looking at his smaller friend, thinking that he would have a creeped face but instead he wasn't looking at him.He looked like he was out of this planet."Oh my god Rigby, I'm so sorry!I don't know what happedn, I just....Rigby?Rigby, are you here?"

Mordecai put his hands on Rigby's shoulders, shaking him a little so he can get out of his thoughts and turn to him."Wha, what the?Dude, what are you doing?" Rigby yelled."Eem," Mordecai said nervous."you weren't listening to me?Duh." He came up with an excuse."Oh, sorry about that.I think I was lost in my thougts or something." Rigby said with a little forwn on his face, that was unoticable."Yeah, no problem.Just don't get lost again." The blue haired told.

Mordecai's POV

Thank GOD that Rigby didn't hear what I just said!He was probably going to back off and probably run away from me.I know that he's gay, but I'm sure that he doesn't have a crush on me.At least that's what I think.We have been best friends in like forever, and I'm sure that he can't just have a crush on me like that.But can he?I wasn't really sure about that.I wanted to find out if Rigby really liked me, so I decided to test this out by teasing him a little.

"Hey, Rigby.Have you ever had a crush on someone?" I asked him, giggling a bit.

"N-n-no.Why are you asking me this?" He said, blushing a little.This was just one sign that he might have a crush on me, but it still didn't mean that its completely true.

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